
Geldof voted ‘Man of Peace’


The living winners of the Nobel Peace Prize have voted to give Sir Bob Geldof the Man of Peace Award, which honors outstanding contributions to the spread of social justice and peace.

Geldof, the author of the Live Aid success story in the 1980s, returned to the international stage this year with his leadership of the Live 8 concert series in the name of African poverty relief. The concerts were a centerpiece to the ongoing “Make Poverty History” campaign that has helped stir international activism on behalf of Africa.

Geldof, 53, described himself Thursday as overwhelmed by the honor and said it “reaffirms the progress made by Live 8 and the Make Poverty History campaign and underlines the unwavering support for its aims internationally.”


The award will be presented by Mikhail Gorbachev and Rome’s mayor, Walter Veltroniat, at the World Summit of Nobel Laureates on Nov. 24 in the Italian capital.


-- Geoff Boucher



Renewed: Fox said its summer hit “So You Think You Can Dance” will kick up its heels again next summer.
