
By the numbers

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Industry total

*--* Movie 3-day gross Total (mill.) Venues Avg | venue Weeks

1Apocalypto $15.0 $15.0 2,465 $6,087 1 (Walt Disney)

2Happy Feet 12.9 137.9 3,650 3,535 4 (Warner Bros.)

3The Holiday 12.8 12.8 2,610 4,896 1 (Sony)

4Casino 8.9 129.0 3,161 2,824 4 Royale (Sony)

5Blood 8.6 8.6 1,910 4,528 1 Diamond (Warner Bros.)

6Deja Vu 6.0 53.0 2,742 2,195 3 (Walt Disney)

7Unaccompanie 5.8 5.8 2,775 2,096 1 d Minors (Warner Bros.)

8The Nativity 5.7 15.9 3,083 1,853 2 Story (New Line)

9Deck the 4.0 30.1 2,766 1,444 3 Halls (20th Century Fox)

10The Santa 3.3 77.2 2,226 1,462 6 Clause 3 (Walt Disney)


*--* 3-day gross Change Year-to-date gross Change (in millions) from 2005 (in billions) from 2005 $96.2 -21.8% $8.70 +5.2%


*--* Note: A movie may be shown on more than one screen at each venue.



Source: Media By Numbers
