
IAEA Left With Few Means to Observe Iran

From Associated Press

Diplomats in Europe said the U.N. nuclear watchdog agency had stripped most of its surveillance equipment from Iranian nuclear sites.

The diplomats, who demanded anonymity in exchange for revealing the confidential developments, said the move left the International Atomic Energy Agency with only the most basic means to monitor Iran’s actions.

Tensions between Iran and the international community escalated last month after Iran removed U.N. seals and resumed nuclear research, including small-scale uranium enrichment. Enriched uranium is used to make atomic weapons and to generate electricity. Iran insists it is pursuing only the latter goal.


On Feb. 4, the IAEA’s board voted to send Iran’s nuclear file to the United Nations Security Council for possible sanctions.

Iran responded by ending cooperation with the IAEA and announcing it would start full-scale uranium enrichment and bar surprise inspections. The Islamic Republic has left the door open for further negotiations.

With most surveillance equipment and seals from Iran’s nascent uranium enrichment facilities at Natanz now removed, the IAEA has few means to monitor Tehran’s enrichment efforts.
