
Tart responses to the ‘sweet’ deal column


Re “Deals So Sweet They’ll Kill Us,” Jan. 22

Nick Berardino of the Orange County Employees Assn. is right: Just because private sector employers are gutting their retirement plans doesn’t make it right, and it doesn’t follow that this standard should be applied to public employees’ benefits. I consider police officers, firefighters and teachers to be not merely public sector but public service employees. Law enforcement and firefighting are dangerous professions, and those who work in them put their lives on the line to protect us. Teachers are charged with one of society’s most important responsibilities, and they are grossly underpaid. If not for generous benefits, what would possibly persuade anyone of competence to go into teaching?

I do agree with Steve Lopez that policies on early retirement should be revised. But I don’t think the problem should be framed as a choice between shortchanging children or cutting retirement plans. There’s a very simple solution to fund these benefits, if we had a governor and Legislature with the guts to enact it: Raise taxes.


Culver City



Lopez lumped teachers, cops and firefighters together as the “sweet” deal group in retirement benefits. When he gave us some numbers to be shocked at, he conveniently left out teachers.

I know why. I am a teacher. He should trade salaries with an average teacher in L.A. for one year. Better yet, he should teach in an inner-city school. I can assure you that his view of the sweet deal would change. I am satisfied with the pay. The benefits are sweet, I admit, but I work for them.


