
Call it divine reincarnation

Times Staff Writer

DESIGNERS are transforming old timber into furniture that looks far more stylish than the clunky Lincoln Log chairs or butcher block tables you might expect. Some of the works are made from lumber that is reclaimed from old buildings and bridges. Others are crafted from salvaged wood -- trees that have fallen or been cut down in orchards or suburban backyards, often because of disease. That’s where firms such as Urban Hardwoods (Page F1, [206] 766-8199, step in. These artisans say furniture design should be simple and flexible enough to follow nature’s lead. “Adapt to the material that’s available,” says designer William Stranger of Pasadena-based Stranger Furniture. He says he prefers trees to tables, but because he can’t make trees, he’s driven to make tables. A sampling of wood saved from the bonfire or landfill and reincarnated into conversation pieces:
