
Perhaps that boxy look will catch on

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I read with interest the article about the cargo container home [“Still Playing With the Box,” July 13] being built in Redondo Beach. It made me wonder: If L.A.’s $1-billion affordable-housing bond passes, maybe all the shipping containers piled up in Wilmington next to the residential areas can be utilized for affordable housing? Sounds like killing two birds with one stone to me.


Rancho Palos Verdes


If our home is an expression of our personality, cheers to the English garden gnome.

I would be embarrassed to portray my “eclectic, athletic” life as a corrugated carton. And in Redondo Beach? Why not simply move to the Port of Long Beach? No doubt suburban permit issuers are more easily bullied than those in Long Beach, where you need a permit to simply snap some casual photos of the port.


The bravery of this couple is diminished by their home’s location. Instead of reinventing suburbia, they’ve chosen to make an industrial statement in Redondo. Hope they’re good sprinters.


