
A look at a polygamist sect opens some eyes


Re “The Enclave,” two-part series, May 12 and 13

It is absolutely beyond belief that the Fundamentalist Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints has been able to flout the law with seeming impunity from serious prosecution. The Latter-day Saints church based in Salt Lake City bears a substantial burden as it relates to ridding this area of the misdeeds of these FLDS elders who, after all, practice the mainstream Mormon religion as it was practiced by the larger church until the 1890s. If it had not been for U.S. government intervention, the church would probably still allow polygamy.

Why is it that the government of the 19th century successfully dealt with the blight of polygamy but today’s government is apparently totally impotent? The fact that the young FLDS girls do not want things to change is nothing more than brainwashing. Can you imagine what might happen to any girl who complains publicly?





Your series serves as an excellent example of how organized religions oppress women. The Catholic Church regulates women’s sexuality in terms of birth control and prevents women from becoming priests; Orthodox Jews don’t count women toward a minyan and segregate them from men during services, and some groups require women to shave their heads when they marry; Baptists expect women to submit to their husbands, and I don’t have the space to go into how women are treated in Islam.

It’s all a question of what we’ve become culturally accustomed to -- no one would think of arresting the pope for denying Catholic women the use of birth control, and the women in the FLDS are likewise happy in the culture they were raised in and don’t want to see their prophet arrested. If we truly want to liberate women, the best place to start is to demand that all organized religions treat women equally. Barring that, perhaps women who truly want to be equal should avoid religion altogether.




Despite the tragic loss of life, Jonestown and Waco pale in comparison to the decades of abuse perpetrated on the unfortunate residents of the areas your series documented. Where are their senators and representatives? Oh, I forgot -- in Washington, working on terrorism issues.


Please, make this more than a two-part series. Stay with it until something is accomplished.


Laguna Woods


Let me see, a religious sect whose male leaders act in secrecy and are charged with abusing their youngest and most vulnerable members while law enforcement and political leaders turn a blind eye. Think, think, think -- where have I heard this before?


