
New black leaders vital


Re “Blacks blaming blacks,” Opinion, Oct. 4

Three cheers for Juan Williams! He has it exactly right: Much of contemporary black culture is pure poison. Nothing will make a young African American man functionally unemployable like a “gangsta attitude.” Erin Aubry Kaplan is another sad example of the moral blindness that leads African Americans to regard Al Sharpton as a leader and cheer the acquittal of O. J. Simpson.

Black America needs a new generation of leaders who reject the victim mentality and champion decency, sobriety and hard work.





I too am tired of black leaders pointing fingers at their own community. It is almost as if it has become some kind of trend. Kaplan makes a good point -- that it takes two to tango. To blame the problems on the black community and ignore other factors, such as the government, the music industry, racism, etc., is a problem in itself. I could criticize all day, but what good would that do? The same goes for those so-called black leaders doing the blaming. Sitting around pointing fingers isn’t going to solve problems. The question they should be asking themselves is: How can we fix these problems and issues?


