
A better deal for Peruvians

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Re “Peru’s path to prosperity,” editorial, Oct. 11

Contrary to The Times’ assertion, congressional passage of the free-trade agreement with Peru could actually undermine development and increase poverty in a country where more than half of the population is poor. The U.S.-Peru agreement would impose stringent new patent rules that would obstruct access to medicines for poor people while offering special privileges to foreign investors to contest environmental protections and the public interest. The agreement would leave Peruvian farmers to compete with cheap, dumped agricultural products massively subsidized by the U.S. Treasury.

Peru and the other Andean countries, including Ecuador, Colombia and Bolivia, need economic opportunities. Congress should act to offer them -- and soon. Extending and expanding the Andean Trade Preferences Act would serve that end. The Peru free-trade agreement would not.


Trade Policy Advisor


Oxfam America

