
Family seeks Simpson records

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From the Associated Press

In a new attempt to get some of the estimated $40 million that O.J. Simpson owes them, the family of murder victim Ronald Lyle Goldman subpoenaed several Hollywood groups Monday to get information on money he may have received for TV and film appearances.

The subpoenas demand records kept by the Screen Actors Guild, the Producers Guild of America and the American Federation of Television and Radio Artists.

Lawyers for Goldman’s father, Fred, say they believe that the records will show how much in residual payments Simpson has received for appearing in “The Towering Inferno,” the “Naked Gun” film series and several TV shows.


They said records could also show where the money has gone.

“We’ve all seen ‘Naked Gun’ repeatedly on cable. Each time it’s shown again, his residuals add up,” said Goldman’s attorney, David J. Cook. “This is a matter of turning every stone.”

Representatives for SAG and AFTRA said they haven’t received the subpoenas and couldn’t comment.

A call to a Producers Guild spokesman was not immediately returned.

The Goldman family has been in a decade-long battle to get the money after a 1997 civil judgment held Simpson liable for the deaths of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend Ronald Lyle Goldman.


Fred Goldman alleges that Simpson is trying to avoid paying the $33.5-million judgment, which has increased to about $40 million with interest.

Last month, a state judge issued a restraining order barring Simpson from spending or moving any earnings from past deals, including books, films and sports memorabilia.

Los Angeles County Superior Court Judge Gerald Rosenberg’s ruling was later applied to the advance Simpson may have received for his unpublished book, “If I Did It.”


The order will remain in effect until a Feb. 20 hearing.

Simpson’s book reportedly described how he theoretically would have committed the murders. It was canceled by publisher HarperCollins in November amid widespread public outrage.
