
Musharraf cites ‘a grave threat’


Following are excerpts from President Pervez Musharraf’s proclamation imposing a state of emergency in Pakistan:

* There is visible ascendancy in the activities of extremists and incidents of terrorist attacks, including suicide bombings, IED explosions, rocket firing. . . . Some militant groups have taken such activities to an unprecedented level of violent intensity, posing a grave threat to the life and property of the citizens of Pakistan.

* Some members of the judiciary are working at cross purposes with the executive and legislature in the fight against terrorism and extremism, thereby weakening the government and the nation’s resolve and diluting the efficacy of its actions to control this menace.


* Some hard-core militants, extremists, terrorists and suicide bombers who were arrested and being investigated were ordered to be released. The persons so released have subsequently been involved in heinous terrorist activities, resulting in loss of human life and property. Militants across the country have thus been encouraged while law enforcement agencies subdued.

* There has been increasing interference by some members of the judiciary in government policy, adversely affecting economic growth in particular. Some judges by overstepping the limits of judicial authority have taken over the executive and legislative functions.

* The humiliating treatment meted out to government officials by some members of the judiciary on a routine basis during court proceedings has demoralized the civil bureaucracy.
