
A squat that’s easy on the knees


In this variation of a squat, remember that you don’t have to drop very low to make it effective. Your knees and ankles should point forward throughout the entire movement. Make sure they don’t roll inward because that could stress your knee joints.

-- Karen Voight


1 Holding a dumbbell in each hand, stand with your feet at hips width. Shift your body weight over your left leg and lift your right heel, right toes on the floor. Your left leg should be straight but not locked. Contract your abs, lift your chest and pull your shoulders down and back.

2 Keeping your back straight, bend your left knee to lower your hips toward the floor. Pause at the bottom, do not let your left knee move beyond your left toes. Fully contract your quad (the front of your thigh), then straighten your left leg, pressing through your foot to come up. Do 12 to 15 reps, then switch legs.



Karen Voight can be reached at
