
Give the spine a stretch


Twisting the spine after your body has warmed up helps bring the spine back to its correct alignment. This stretches the muscles along the spine, and the oblique abdominals. You’ll feel a great stretch in the shoulders and fronts of the thighs. Be persistent; progress in twists is often gradual.

--Karen Voight

1 Begin on all fours with your palms on the floor aligned with your shoulders, and your knees aligned under your hips. Stretch your left leg behind you, lifting it to hip height. Raise your right arm in front of you with the upper arm near your right ear. Pause for two seconds, pulling in the abdominals toward the spine. Do not let your back sag at the waist.

2 Once you feel stable, bend your left knee while raising your left foot toward the ceiling. Reach back with your right hand. Grasp your left ankle. Keep your hips squarely facing the floor and your chest lifted. Breathe deeply; feel a stretch across the chest and back. Hold for 30 seconds, then release your ankle. Repeat on the other side.



Karen Voight can be reached at
