
The bigger picture

Joel Pett is the Pulitzer Prize-winning editorial cartoonist of the Lexington Herald-Leader. His work also appears in USA Today.

This year’s Pulitzer Prize for editorial cartooning went to Michael Ramirez of Investor’s Business Daily, and formerly of the Los Angeles Times. Purists heaved a sigh of relief that none of the three finalists submitted animated videos, as was the case last year, though there was controversy over the selection of the comic strip “Funky Winkerbean” as a finalist. Ramirez, who also won a Pulitzer in 1994, stressed that “editorial cartooning is journalism, not just entertainment” and that we should strive for “profound statements,” not merely to illustrate “late-night monologues.” Well said, Mike. Cue the band, roll the canned laughter and cut to commercial.

-- Joel Pett
