
Reveal name of nanny agency


Thank you for the story “Use care with nanny agencies” (Consumer Confidential, April 23). It was a timely reminder of the importance of doing your homework and not relying on high-priced agencies.

However, the story lacked the main ingredient. By failing to name the agency in question, you do nothing to help the overworked, overstressed mom who needs to be made aware of this horrible agency.

You can’t warn the consumer and protect the agency at the same time. The paper needed to take a stand. Omitting the agency name was a cheap cop-out.


Djamila Fitzgerald

Dubai, United Arab Emirates

The column by David Lazarus was a real eye-opener for parents of children looking for competent help.

The same rings true for adult children looking for in-home help for their aging parents.

As with the nanny profession, there are few state laws and no federal regulations that apply to the in-home help for dependent aging parents.

Stella Mora Henry, R.N.

Los Angeles

I would suggest that Mrs. Puck try being a real mother, raising her own children instead of hiring nannies.

I feel no sympathy for these rich people who are too busy to be parents. They shouldn’t have children, if that is the case. Please pass the Grey Poupon, Wolfgang.

Scott Peete

