
What art says about our times

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I APPLAUD the Los Angeles County Museum of Art for making such a bold statement with its purchase of “The Illegal Operation” by Ed Kienholz [“LACMA Adds Kienholz but Not the Furor,” by Suzanne Muchnic, Aug. 20]. In this political year, when Rowe vs. Wade is in danger of being overturned, it is so important that we keep our focus on issues that can effect all of us in one way or another. Through art we can tell this tale.

And maybe “we have come along way, baby.”

Sherry J. Davis

Los Angeles


I FIND it somewhat risible that Ed Kienholz’s work should be considered even vaguely controversial now. While sculptures like “Back Seat Dodge ‘38” and “The Illegal Operation” were shocking and bold within the context of their day, now they are interesting and quaint. A worthwhile historic and social perspective of the ‘60s, nonetheless.

Arnold Zelonka



LACMA is just so much smarter than the rest of us in awarding that amount of cash for something our wives are always trying to get us to clean out of the garage or out of the cat’s box. I suggest LACMA save lots of money and just send a cleaning guy out on trash day to rummage through the piles and collect all this “art” for free.


Bob Raser

Westlake Village
