
Crack the ‘Lost’ code


With its increasingly complicated riddles and mysteries, ABC’s “Lost” is exactly the kind of program designed for multiple viewings. Or Cliffs Notes. Or both.

But for anyone who feels as hopelessly confused by the island goings-on as the survivors of Oceanic Flight 815, the network is offering some guidance with “enhanced” episodes broadcast a week after regular shows air, which are then available online.

Viewers can look to the bottom of the screen for commentary and tidbits -- trivia about the actors or the characters they portray, film locations and other items so obscure that probably only the writers get the inside joke.


While some find the extras distracting, others believe the show has never been easier to follow.

We can only guess, though, what’s next in the evolution of “Lost” watching. There’s still prime on-screen real estate -- a perfect place for, say, sunscreen or Southwest Airlines ads.

-- Christine N. Ziemba
