
Judging the district attorney

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Re “Yes to the incumbents,” editorial, April 28

In your endorsement for district attorney, you identify Republican incumbent Steve Cooley’s shortcomings, including his broken promises and the preposterous notion that he wants to “groom and select his own successor,” as if the voters did not matter.

There are many more reasons why I am running for district attorney. Cooley stands to receive an extravagant raise this year and to become the highest-paid elected official in the state just as Los Angeles County cuts and/or eliminates various community programs because of the worst fiscal crisis in a generation.

Cooley overtly politicizes the administration of justice. Cooley failed to get convictions in, among others, the Blake and Spector murder trials. Cooley’s Republican ideals are contrary to those of the majority of Los Angeles County voters. Cooley finances his reelection campaign with money from criminal-defense attorneys whose clients have prosecutions pending.


I applaud The Times for pointing out some of Cooley’s failings, but I am disappointed that you did not present the qualifications of his challengers. I am the only Democrat in the race, the only candidate with both public- and private-sector experience and the only candidate with a master’s degree in public administration. I will not sell justice to the highest bidder.

Albert Robles

