
Right on rape


Re “When mass rape turns into genocide,” Opinion, Nov. 13

David Scheffer is correct. The International Criminal Court must include the crime of rape as genocide in its long-anticipated arrest warrant for Sudan’s president, Omar Hassan Ahmed Bashir. The threat of these arrest warrants has finally caused a change in the status quo, after six years of genocide.

Recognizing that rape is a tool of genocide sends a clear message that rape is a crime that diminishes humanity as a whole. The United States must use its veto power in the U.N. Security Council to prevent any delay in the International Criminal Court prosecutions. The international community has failed, thus far, to bring peace and protection to the people of Darfur. Bringing some justice to the equation would be a welcome start.

The people of the world and, indeed, the people of Darfur are watching closely.

Janice Kamenir Reznik

Tzivia Schwartz Getzug


The writers are president and executive director, respectively, of Jewish World Watch.
