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Mark Olsen’s article [“24 Frames a Second -- and Loving it,” Aug. 16] has some excellent quotes from artistic filmmakers, but there are also some important misstatements. For example, he wrote that “a small, dedicated band of independent filmmakers is championing the seemingly outdated idea of actually shooting on film.”

Shooting on film is anything but outdated. Olsen mentions a handful of directors who have experimented with digital capture. But the truth is that a significant majority of films shown on cinema screens are produced on film for both aesthetic and long-term financial reasons. This is true for independent filmmakers as well as for studio films.

A few examples, the upcoming “Invictus,” “The Lovely Bones” and “Shutter Island” were shot on film, as well as smaller indie films “(500) Days of Summer,” “Bandslam” and “Man on Wire.”


We disagree with the notion that shooting on film is “seemingly outdated.” That’s digital-marketing hype and at odds with the facts. Film technology continues to improve and the latest film stocks provide filmmakers with unequaled image quality and flexibility.

Ingrid Goodyear

Collingwood, Australia

Goodyear is worldwide general manager, image capture products for Eastman Kodak Co.
