
Better border enforcement


Re “Gun flow south is a crisis for two nations,” June 18

One would think that an article with that headline would address actually preventing the flow of guns across the border to Mexico. One might also think that if the two agencies most responsible have “duplicated one another’s initiatives,” as stated in the article, there would be fewer guns crossing the border -- assuming those initiatives had any merit.

Apparently, no number of such initiatives will work, nor will new laws regarding things like the abuse of drugs and guns.

What is needed is a better set of ideas. Better border enforcement, including a border fence, seems like an obvious idea, and wouldn’t fence construction provide stimulus jobs for unemployed Americans?


Given the importance for both countries of stemming the flow of guns southward and the flow of drugs northward, it is an issue President Obama should personally get involved in.

Jim Grant



Mexico’s crisis is the result of the oppression of the poor by the ruling class since around 1920. Now there is no real public education, ensuring a permanent lower class and forcing many into narcotics. Government corruption diverts wealth to a few. The impoverished majority have little ability to do much to improve their misery.

Miguel Rosales



Elevating this non-story to front-page status is sad.

This is an obvious trial balloon sent up by the Obama administration to see what kind of backdoor gun control schemes can be “sold” to the public. Our government can’t stop deserters from Mexico’s army from stealing weapons, nor can we stop smuggling into any country rife with corruption.

For that matter, our government hasn’t done a very good job of stopping smuggling into this country.

Leslie Watkins

