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Working at County General Hospital, where “ER” takes place, could be hazardous to your health

Death by whirlybird: Dr. Robert Romano crushed by falling copter.

Gang fight: Dr. Abby Lockhart kidnapped by gang.

Getting a grip: Vengeful father crushes Dr. Luka Kovac’s operating hand in vise.

Strapped up: Kovac injected with paralyzing drug while bound to gurney.

Father anger: Nurse Samantha Taggart raped by her son’s father.

Auto accident: Dr. Ray Barnett hit by truck, loses both legs.

Foot traffic: Dr. Neela Rasgotra trampled by running protesters.

Sound the siren: Dr. Gregory Pratt hurt in ambulance explosion.

Beaten down: Dr. Mark Greene brutalized by assailant.

Worst case: Deranged patient stabs Dr. John Carter, kills Lucy Knight.

-- Greg Braxton
