
You get what you pay for


Re “Crash inquiry turns to skills, pay of pilots,” May 14

The inexperience of the pilots in this crash reminds me of why supporters of term limits for legislators are so wrong. California government is a multibillion-dollar operation, but many people believe it is preferable that legislators have little or no experience with that government. With that logic, those who support term limits should insist on a pilot with as little training and flying time as possible, certainly not a pilot with gray hair.

Mark Smith



The key to your article on the commuter airline crash was the comment: “The company did not pay cost-of-living adjustments to pilots who lived in expensive areas such as New York, though they paid such adjustments to managers.”

Across all industries today, there is a lack of respect for both the skill and training requirements of the workers. Instead, pay and benefits go to the managers, who produce no product.


So what do you want, excessively paid management or rested, skilled pilots?

Larry Severson

Fountain Valley


When you pay pilots journeymen wages, you will soon have only journeymen for pilots. Captains such as Chesley Sullenberger III are a dying breed from another era.

Robert Tsou

