
Pulitzer Prize winners for journalism

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The winners PUBLIC SERVICE The Bristol (Va.) Herald CourierBREAKING NEWS REPORTING The Seattle Times staffINVESTIGATIVE REPORTING Barbara Laker and Wendy Ruderman of the Philadelphia Daily News, and Sheri Fink of ProPublica, in collaboration with the New York Times MagazineEXPLANATORY REPORTING Michael Moss and members of the New York Times staff LOCAL REPORTING Raquel Rutledge of the Milwaukee Journal SentinelNATIONAL REPORTING Matt Richtel and members of the New York Times staffINTERNATIONAL REPORTING Anthony Shadid of the Washington PostFEATURE WRITING Gene Weingarten of the Washington PostCOMMENTARY Kathleen Parker of the Washington PostCRITICISM Sarah Kaufman of the Washington PostEDITORIAL WRITING Tod Robberson, Colleen McCain Nelson and William McKenzie of the Dallas Morning NewsEDITORIAL CARTOONING Mark Fiore, self- syndicated, appearing on SFGate.comBREAKING NEWS PHOTOGRAPHY Mary Chind of the Des Moines RegisterFEATURE PHOTOGRAPHY Craig F. Walker of the Denver PostSource: Columbia University
