
Eye problems linked to beclomethasone

The People's Pharmacy

I have been using inhaled beclomethasone and Beconase spray for asthma and allergies for three years. An optometrist warned me that he sees cases of cataracts quite often in people using steroids like these. My pulmonologist says he is not aware of any increased incidence of cataracts among patients on these drugs.

The Physicians’ Desk Reference cautions, “Rare instances of glaucoma, increased intraocular pressure and cataracts have been reported following the inhaled administration of corticosteroids.” Other inhaled corticosteroids such as Advair and Symbicort also may trigger such problems after long-term use.

Do not stop your medication without medical supervision. It may be needed to control your asthma.


I have an overactive bladder. I took several prescription drugs with no relief. I have noticed that if I take two Advils at bedtime, I get through the night without going to the bathroom. The urologists had not heard of this but said there should be no problem with two Advils daily.

A double-blind study in Urology found that men with enlarged prostates had half as many nighttime bathroom trips when taking Celebrex. Advil and Celebrex are both nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. But they could raise blood pressure, increase the risk of heart attack or cause stomach ulcers if taken long term.

Joe Graedon is a pharmacologist, and Teresa Graedon is an expert in medical anthropology and nutrition.
