
Healthy eating tips cover fad diets, colorful vegetables and why beans matter


Fad diets and super-food claims promise a healthier, slimmed-down you. But what works? These experts offer sound advice on what healthful eating really means.

Nutritionist Karen Kolowski examines three popular fad diets and how they work -- or don’t work -- on the Baltimore Sun’s Exercists blog. “The South Beach diet initially induces weight loss but it most likely is water weight. However, the final phase strictly enforces portion control, doesn’t leave out any food groups and promotes exercise -- a winning combination for weight loss and maintenance.” Read this blog post that also examines the Atkins and the Cabbage Soup diets.

But strict diet plans aren’t for everyone. Nutritionist Holly Hicks takes an “eat more of these foods” approach on the Health Notes blog at the Newport News Daily Press.


One of her tips: “Eat your beans. No, not green beans. Pinto, black, garbanzo and navy beans. They’re ‘powerful foods,’ ” Hicks says, because of their protein and soluble fiber, which helps lower cholesterol and blood-sugar levels.

Here’s the blog post, which includes recipes that slim down some otherwise fatty favorites. A how-to plan that includes mashed potatoes! What’s not to like?
