
Keeping your laptop safe from thieves

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Laptops and tablet computers are all too convenient lures for thieves. Here are hints for protecting your property.

•Like money: “If you had a wad of money sitting out in a public place, would you turn your back on it — even for just a minute?” asks the Federal Trade Commission’s OnGuardOnline site. “Would you put it in checked luggage? Leave it on the back seat of your car?” Treat your laptop or tablet like it’s cash.

•Disguise: If you carry your laptop in a bag that was obviously designed for that purpose, it could become a prime target. Consider putting your computer inside a briefcase, backpack or other bag that’s not so upfront about its contents.


•Alarm: Software is available that sounds an alarm if the laptop’s motion sensor detects movement that might be suspect. And iPads have built-in settings that can help you locate them if stolen.

•Airports: Don’t put your laptop or tablet through the X-ray until you’re ready to walk through the metal detector, and watch for it as it emerges on the other side. “The confusion and shuffle of security checkpoints can be fertile ground for theft,” warned the FTC. Also, be careful if the bag carrying your laptop is just sitting on top of your rollaway luggage — it can be quietly swiped.

•Backups: Despite precautions, if your computer does get stolen, all would not be lost if you had backed up your important files to an external hard drive or cloud storage service. Computers can be replaced, but text documents and precious photos that don’t exist elsewhere would be heartbreaking to lose.

