
‘NCIS: New Orleans’ actress Necar Zadegan loves her balcony seat

Actress Necar Zadegan, new to CBS’ “NCIS: New Orleans,” finds sanctuary on her expansive, meditative balcony.

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Sometimes a house needs years of nurturing to feel personal, but when Necar Zadegan first set foot onto the bedroom balcony of her soon-to-be home, it already felt like her own.

Best known for her roles on Fox’s “24” and Bravo’s “Girlfriends’ Guide to Divorce,” Zadegan immediately fell in love with the balcony and its cozy daybed, which inspired her to purchase the 1923 Hollywood Hills home three years ago from actress Michelle Monaghan.

“The first time I came out here, I knew I lived here,” said Zadegan, 36. “It was as though it had been waiting for me, and immediately felt familiar.”


The expansive balcony features panoramic views of downtown L.A. and the ocean on sunny days, and disco balls that “create beautiful light against the white wall when the sun hits them,” she said.

Zadegan turns to the space as a special “meditative sanctuary,” away from the pressures of work.

She stars alongside Owen Wilson and Michael Keaton in Season 3 of IFC’s “Documentary Now,” and travels often to be on location as a new cast member on CBS’ “NCIS: New Orleans.”


“There’s a lot of managing chaos, which comes second nature to me, but now I take time for myself,” Zadegan said. “I really appreciate that the balcony and these views lend themselves to that.”

Colorful glass lanterns and chimes from Hawaii hang from the daybed, itself decorated with red and blue paisley cushions. A traditional Moroccan tea set with cardamom-infused Persian sweet tea sits on the coffee table, surrounded by lush plants and trees.


Why is your balcony so special to you?

It’s so peaceful, spacious and right off the bedroom. The views are so open and I really love living in town — I’ve always been a city girl in that way. I’ve spent a lot of time living in the middle of the city, but moving to the hills brought me more peace because the landscape is wilder and there are views everywhere. It felt more like home to live among the trees. Being above the traffic doesn’t hurt either.

How would you describe your design style?

Earthy and relaxed. I always want things to feel comfortable and look pretty. I noticed that I really enjoy color, and I didn’t really know that until I started decorating.

Does this ever become a social space?

Not that much; less than I thought. This is kind of a private space for myself and those close to me. I have a niece now, and sometimes I’ll come up here with the baby and she just loves it. And I have a couple of dogs, a bulldog and a Norwich terrier, and they love to lay out here in the sun.


I love your hanging chimes.

The chimes were first a gift that I bought for a friend, and I later took them back. They just work so well up here and I love the way they sound. An artist hand-made those in Hawaii when I was there one year. The sound they make is one that pierces through your sleep, so I often take them down at night. But I would like to have more chimes up here, maybe different-sounding ones.

What attracted you to a Spanish-style home?

I was just open when I was looking and walked into this place, and I knew I loved it, and I was hoping it would become mine. The house just keeps going and going with wonderful outdoor spaces. I’ve lived in California for many years, but I never really think about how much I enjoy indoor-outdoor living. It’s just become part of my life.
