
Should Twitter, Facebook and Instagram be invited to the wedding?

Focus on being present at the wedding rather than getting distracted by the digital world.
(Noel Sutherland v/ Getty Images)
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Like every other occasion, weddings are becoming virtual events. Now couples can easily create their own Twitter hashtags and encourage collaborative photo albums through systems like Google+ Events, ensuring that all friends and family members — whether they attend or not — are sharing their impressions of the day.

But just because wedding guests can share memories of the event doesn’t mean they should — especially if they’re unsure how the newlyweds feel about the added exposure.

Tradition still trumps technology when weddings are concerned, according to manners experts. Here are some rules for text-happy thumbs:


Leave the phones alone during the ceremony. “Tweeting during the ceremony is a big no-no,” says etiquette expert Lisa Gaché of Beverly Hills Manners. “We have enough issues with technology pulling us away and connecting with one another and being present for a situation. And obviously a wedding ceremony, if there’s any time to be present, this is one of those times.”

Insist on Instagram? Upload as is. “My feeling is don’t post photos at all and by all means if you’re going to post a photo, post it in its original form; don’t change it,” says Gaché. The couple spent a lot of time figuring out their wedding’s aesthetic and most likely paid a photographer to document it, so, Gaché says, don’t ruin that hard work and “change it to sepia tone or make it look like it took place in the ‘40s.”

Care enough to send the very best. And if you do end up posting something, make sure it’s positive — meaning no unflattering photos of the bride and no snide comments, Gaché says, because “the No. 1 rule with any online communication is you never say anything negative.”

