
Explanation of violation types

  • ACCESS FOR INSPECTION: The pool was not accessible or only partially accessible for inspection.
  • ALGAE: Algae growth was found in the pool.
  • ANIMALS: Animals were found in the pool or pool area.
  • ARTIFICIAL RESP SIGN: A legible sign with an illustration of artificial respiration procedures was not posted.
  • BODY HOOK, PROVIDE: A readily accessible body hook permanently attached to a pole at least 12 ft. in length was not provided.
  • CAPACITY SIGN: A sign displaying the maximum number of people allowed in the pool was not posted.
  • CHLORINATOR/OPERATE: The automatic chlorinator was not operational.
  • CHLORINATOR/REPAIR: The automatic chlorinator needs to be installed, repaired or replaced.
  • CHLORINE LEVEL: Chlorine levels of at least 1.0 parts per million were not maintained.
  • CHLORINE LVL W/CYAN: Chlorine levels of at least 1.5 parts per million were not maintained. This is required when the pool uses cyanuric acid, a weak acid that reduces the loss of chlorine to sunlight but makes the chlorine less effective.
  • CL2 TABS IN SKIMMER: Chlorine tablets were placed in the pool skimmers, which need to be discontinued.
  • COPING: The tile around the edge of the pool, known as coping, was broken or missing and needs to be replaced.
  • CROSS CONNECTION: The pool or its circulation system was inappropriately directly connected with a sanitary sewer or drainage system.
  • CYANURIC ACID LEVEL: The level of cyanuric acid was above 100 parts per million. Cyanuric acid is a weak acid that reduces the loss of chlorine to sunlight but makes chlorine less effective.
  • DECK OBSTRUCTION: The deck was obstructed.
  • DEPTH MARKER TILES: Broken or unreadable depth marker tiles need to be replaced.
  • DIRT/DEBRIS: Dirt, leaves or debris were found in the pool. The pool needs to be vacuumed.
  • DRAIN COVER: The drain cover needs to be secured or replaced with an approved type that can only be removed with tools.
  • DRESSING ROOMS: The dressing rooms were not clean or sanitary.
  • EMERG PHONE NUMBER: The emergency telephone number "911" was not posted.
  • EQUIP ROOM/CLEAN: The pool equipment room or area was dirty.
  • FENCE/ENCLOSURE: The pool fence needs to be repaired.
  • FILTER/CLEAN: The filter needs to be backwashed.
  • FILTER/REPAIR: The filter was broken.
  • FLOATING CHLORINATOR: A floating chlorinator was used, which is not approved for use in pools subject to public health inspections.
  • FLOWMETER: The flowmeter needs to be installed, repaired or replaced.
  • GAS CHLORINATION: The gas chlorination system has a problem.
  • GATE/DOOR: A self-closing gate or door to the pool area that latches automatically must be installed.
  • GAUGES: The influent/effluent pressure gauges need to be installed or repaired.
  • HANDRAIL: The stair handrails need to be secured, repaired or replaced.
  • INSPECTION LOG: A log of pool operation, disinfection residual, pH and maintenance procedures was not maintained.
  • LADDER/GRAB RAILS: The ladder, ladder step treads, or grab rails at the deep end of the pool need to be secured, repaired, or replaced.
  • LIFE RING, PROVIDE: A readily accessible life ring with an attached rope of sufficient length to span the maximum width of the swimming pool was not provided.
  • LIFEGUARD SERVICE: Lifeguard service was not adequately provided for this pool.
  • LIGHT/MAITAIN ON: Underwater pool lights were not maintained when the pool was open after dark.
  • LIGHT/REPAIR: Underwater lights need to be installed, repaired or replaced.
  • NO DIVING SIGN: A legible "No Diving Allowed" sign in letters at least 4" high was not posted.
  • NO LIFEGUARD SIGN: A legible sign stating "Warning - No Lifeguard On Duty" in letters at least 4" high, or that "Children under the age of 14 should not use pool without an adult in attendance" was not posted.
  • OFFICIALLY CLOSED: Officially closed.
  • PH: The pH was not maintained between 7.2 and 8.0.
  • PUMP: The recirculation pump was broken.
  • RECIRC SYST/OPERATE: The pool recirculation system was not operated at all times the pool was open for use or as long as necessary to keep the water clean and clear.
  • RESTROOMS REPAIR: The toilets, urinals, wash basin, or showers were not in good condition.
  • RESTROOMS/CLEAN: The restrooms were not clean or sanitary.
  • SHOWERS: The shower facilities were not clean or sanitary.
  • SIGNS VISIBLE: Required signs were not legible or clearly visible from the pool deck.
  • SKIMMER BASKET: The strainer basket in the device that skimmed the pool's surface water was broken or missing.
  • SKIMMER DIVERTER VLV: A part of the device that swallows the pool's surface water was broken or missing.
  • SKIMMER WEIR: A part of the device that swallows the pool's surface water was broken or missing.
  • SKIMMING ACTION: There was no working device that skimmed surface water and floating debris into the filter.
  • SOAP DISPENSER: Soap was not provided in dispensers or containers in the showers.
  • SOAP/TWLS/TLT PAPER: In the restrooms, soap was not provided in soap dispensers; paper towels or hot air blowers were not provided; or, toilet paper was not provided.
  • SPA SHUTOFF SWITCH: A legible sign stating "Spa Emergency Shut-Off Switch" was not posted at a spa pool that has an emergency shut-off switch.
  • SPA TEMPERATURES: The hot tub's pool water temperature was above 104 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • SPA WARNING SIGN: A legible spa pool precaution sign was not posted.
  • SUPERVISION: The pool was not serviced or maintained by a person who is certified as a Swimming Pool Service Technician with the Los Angeles County Department of Public Health.
  • SWR/LAV HOT/COLD WTR: There was no hot and cold water provided to the showers and lavatories.
  • TEST KIT: An approved pool water test kit which measures chlorine levels was not provided.
  • TILES/CLEAN: The waterline tiles need to be cleaned.
  • TILES/MISSING: Broken or missing pool tiles need to be replaced.
  • TRIPPING HAZARD: There is a risk of tripping on the pool deck.
  • TURBIDITY: Pool water was cloudy and not maintained in a clean and clear condition.
  • TURNOVER RATE: Pool water is not circulating as quickly as required by regulations.
  • WATER LEVEL: The water level needed to be raised or lowered to the midpoint of the device that skimmed the pool's surface water and floating debris.