
Los Angeles Times Restates March ABC Circulation

Los Angeles Times Restates March ABC Circulation
LOS ANGELES, May 17, 2000 -- The Los Angeles Times has restated its daily circulation to 1,111,785, an increase of 13,438, or 1.2 percent, over the same period last year, according to revised figures that the newspaper has filed with the Audit Bureau of Circulations (ABC) for the six-month period ending March 31, 2000.

The Times Sunday circulation also has been restated to 1,384,688, a decline of 1,099, over the same period last year.

"While the Los Angeles Times met all criteria for paid circulation in the March statement, in the future, our plan is to be more judicious in the use of bonus days. Therefore, we are retroactively reducing the number of bonus days in the March statement so that we have a consistent standard to measure our success," said John Puerner, publisher and president, Los Angeles Times.

"Going forward, we will use bonus days sparingly to support specific advertising products or around key holidays that advertisers have identified for additional distribution, or to expose non-readers to special editions of our newspaper," said Puerner.

For the six months ended March 31, 2000, the Los Angeles Times has decided not to count nine market-wide bonus days and one Orange County bonus day. Bonus days are a way to expose Sunday-only subscribers to the daily newspaper by delivering a daily paper to them.

In addition, The Times has made an adjustment in the March 2000 ABC statement for the circulation of The Times in combination with La Opinion. The Times and ABC have reached a mutually agreed upon standard for counting paid circulation of the bundle effective April 1. However, to ensure comparability with the next March statement and to establish a consistent standard for the future, The Times has applied the new deduction retroactively against the March 2000 statement. This action in no way affects La Opinion's reported circulation for the March period.

The Los Angeles Times, winner of 24 Pulitzer Prizes, is the largest metropolitan daily newspaper in the country. It publishes four daily regional editions -- covering the Los Angeles metropolitan area, the San Fernando Valley, and Orange and Ventura counties -- as well as a National Edition.
