
Home Buyer Make-Over Form


Thanks for your interest in participating in a published Home Buyer Make-Over in the Los Angeles Times.

This form helps us choose make-over subjects and helps real estate experts understand your situation. If you are selected, a reporter will contact you to confirm your interest and set up one or more appointments, which are often handled as conference calls. Please understand that one or more photographs will be taken and that at least one of these will be published in the newspaper as part of the make-over.

We regret that we cannot acknowledge or return every questionnaire. If your situation changes, however, feel free to mail us a follow-up note.
Diane Wedner, Home Buyer Make-Over columnist


As you fill out the form, please explain any special or unusual circumstances that affect your answer. Add pages or write on the back if you need more space.

Please complete as many questions as apply to you. A signature at the end of this form is required for each adult whose finances are involved in the responses on this form. By submitting the questionnaire, you consent to use of the information in an article and warrant the information is accurate and that its use will not violate anyone’s rights. Please mail the form to:

Home Buyer Make-Over, c/o Real Estate
Los Angeles Times
202 West 1st St.
Los Angeles, CA 90012


1. Name of person filling out form:
Marital status:
Street Address:
City, State, Zip:
Home phone (with area code):
Work phone (with area code):

1a. Names/ages/relationships of other household members:
(ie: spouses, children, partners, significant others, fiances, parents, etc.)

Phone numbers of other participant(s):

2. What is your occupation?

2a. How long have you held your current job?

2b. What is your monthly net (take-home) salary?

2c. Is any of your salary commission or bonus?

Describe the history of the commissions.

---------------Your Home

3. Do you rent or own your current residence?

3a. For how long?

3b. What type of property is it?
(single-family residence, town house, condo, apartment)

4. How much rent or mortgage do you pay monthly, including utilities?

4a. Do you pay homeowners association fees?How much?

5. If you own your home, do you plan to sell it, or keep it as a rental?

5a. Is a purchase of the new residence contingent on the sale of the existing home?

6. If you own your home:

--Value of the property $________________
--Minus how much you owe $_______________
--Equals amount of your equity $___________

6b. Is your home in need of major maintenance?

6c. Have you done any recent major home improvements?


7. Besides your salary, do you have any other sources of income?
(Social Security, retirement funds, notes receivable, rental income)

8. Do you receive child support or alimony? (answer this only if you wish this income to be used for qualifying purposes)

9. How much are your liquid assets?
(checking and savings accounts, money market funds, CDs)

10. Do you have IRAs, 401Ks, company pension plans?

11. Do you have monetary gifts from family members?


12. What is the total balance on all of your credit cards?

13. Do you have outstanding loans? What is the amount and duration of those loans?
--Student Loan
--Auto Loans
--Equity Lines

14. Do you pay monthly alimony and/or child support?
If so, how much?

--------------The Issue

15. If you don’t own a home, why?

-- Do you feel home ownership is unattainable?

-- You don’t have a down payment?

-- You think your credit is poor?

-- You’re worried about insufficient income?

-- You fear having too much money tied to a single investment?

-- You fear the responsibility of homeownership?

16. Do you have a recent credit report?
Does it seem accurate?

17. Have you had any late mortgage payments in the last two years? How many?

18. In the last five years, have you had any:

--Judgments or charge-offs
If yes, when?

19. First-time buyers: Have you been declined for a mortgage loan?

20. If you are currently a homeowner, have you recently been turned down for a loan?

21. What are your home-buying goals?
--Area of town?

The Home Buyer Make-Over column is commentary that includes the opinions of financial and real estate professionals. It in no way represents financial advice of the Los Angeles Times. Whatever action you choose to take with regard to your finances is your decision alone, and you agree not to hold the Los Angeles Times responsible.

(Please sign and date)

If applicable, SPOUSE or PARTNER (please sign and date)
