
From the Archives: L.A. Mayor Tom Bradley confronted by media

April 5, 1991: Mayor Tom Bradley is confronted by the media after leaving City Hall chambers prior to a Los Angeles City Council closed session.
April 5, 1991: Mayor Tom Bradley is confronted by the media after leaving City Hall chambers prior to a Los Angeles City Council closed session.
(Larry Bessel / Los Angeles Times)

Mayor Tom Bradley is confronted by the media during public furor regarding Police Chief Daryl Gates and the Los Angeles Police Department after the Rodney King beating.

Following a car chase on March 3, 1991, Rodney King was arrested and beaten by LAPD officers. In the public furor over the beating, Bradley called on Gates to resign. Gates refused, leading to a stand-off lasting several months.

On July 13, 1991, Gates announced his intention to resign. He left the LAPD on June 28, 1992.

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