
Tapes of Osama Bin Laden


Tapes of Osama bin Laden:

* Dec. 13, 2001: U.S. Defense Department releases videotape in which Osama bin Laden is shown at a dinner with associates in Afghanistan on Nov. 9, 2001, saying the destruction of the Sept. 11 attacks exceeded even his “optimistic” calculations.

* April 15, 2002: A videotape broadcast by the Arab satellite television Al-Jazeera includes what appears to be a man identified as a Sept. 11 hijacker giving a farewell message along with clips showing bin Laden and his top deputy, Ayman al-Zawahri. Only al-Zawahri is shown speaking; he calls the terrorist attacks on America a “great victory.”

* November 2002: Al-Jazeera broadcasts a brief audiotape in which a voice attributed to bin Laden says the “youths of God” are planning more attacks against the United States. U.S. experts say the tape can’t be authenticated because of its poor quality. The recording warns countries not to side with the United States.


* Feb. 11, 2003: A voice purported to be bin Laden calls on Iraqis to carry out suicide attacks against Americans and defend themselves against a U.S. attack in a tape broadcast on Al-Jazeera. The voice urges Muslims to rise up against several U.S.-allied governments in the region. U.S. counterterrorism officials say the audio message was probably authentic.

* Feb. 13, 2003: An audiotape purported to be of bin Laden reads a poetic last will and testament in a recording first obtained by the British-based Islamic Al-Ansaar news agency. Bin Laden says he wants to die a martyr in a new attack against the United States. It wasn’t possible to verify the authenticity of the recording.

* April 7, 2003: In an audiotape obtained by The Associated Press in Pakistan, bin Laden exhorts Muslims to rise up against Kuwait, Saudi Arabia and other governments it claims are “agents of America,” and calls for suicide attacks against U.S. and British interests. The CIA determines the 27-minute tape is likely authentic.

* Sept. 10, 2003: In the first video image of bin Laden in nearly two years, he is shown walking through rocky terrain with al-Zawahri. Two taped messages accompanied the video -- all aired on Al-Jazeera on the eve of the anniversary of the Sept. 11 attacks. In one, a voice purporting to be bin Laden’s praises the “great damage to the enemy” on Sept. 11 and mentions five hijackers by name. In the other tape, a voice said to be that of al-Zawahri threatens more attacks on Americans.

* Jan. 4, 2004: A speaker thought to be bin Laden says on an audiotape broadcast on Al-Jazeera that the U.S.-led war in Iraq is the beginning of the “occupation” of Gulf states for their oil. He calls on Muslims to keep fighting a holy war in the Middle East. Officials say it is probably authentic.

* April 15, 2004: A man identifying himself as bin Laden offers a “truce” to European countries that do not attack Muslims, saying it would begin when their soldiers leave Islamic nations. The tape gives the countries three months to start pulling out its troops. It vows revenge against the United States for the Israeli assassination of Hamas founder Sheik Ahmed Yassin. The CIA is reviewing the tape’s authenticity.
