
Stephen King gets doused in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

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John Grisham, what’s holding you up?

Stephen King has joined the ranks of the soaked in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge. In an Internet video, the bestselling author stands on a deck and allows himself to be doused with ice water -- leaving the ice in a freezer tray to prove it is, indeed, ice -- and manages not to swear, but just barely.

In case you missed it, here’s how the challenge works: Film oneself getting soaked with a bucket of ice water and/or make a donation for ALS research within 24 hours, and pass the challenge on. Since the challenge went viral, the ALS Assn. has raised money and awareness. Between July 29 and Aug. 20 the organization raised $41.8 million for research from more than 700,000 new donors.

Many sports figures have joined in, including LeBron James, Brett Favre, Kobe Bryant, Boston Bruins hockey players and the offices of Major League Baseball, including Joe Torre and other Hall of Famers. ALS, or Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, is also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease after the legendary baseball player who was stricken by it. ALS is a degenerative disease of the nervous system that currently has no cure.


Many celebrities have also been soaked: Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth Paltrow, Tom Cruise, Kermit the Frog, Adam Sandler, Jessica Alba, Emma Stone, Jimmy Kimmel, Tyler Perry, Lindsay Lohan, Chris Colfer, Ryan Seacrett and Oprah Winfrey. Stephen Speilberg did it. Musicians Jon Bon Jovi, Dr. Dre, Justin Beiber, Shakira, Macklemore and Lady Gaga have joined in. The list is very, very long.

But there aren’t a lot of authors who’ve taken the challenge. When Amazon Chief Executive Jeff Bezos took the challenge at an all-company meeting, he passed it on to William Shatner and George Takei, who both accepted, and Patrick Stewart, who hasn’t yet.

It was the Foo Fighters who tapped an author -- Stephen King. In a better-than-average Ice Bucket Challenge video, the band spoofed the 1976 film “Carrie,” trading ice water for pig’s blood. The movie, of course, was based on one of King’s early bestselling books.


As you can see, King took them up on it. And he challenged John Grisham, who so far has stayed dry.

Are you an author who has taken the challenge? Or have you challenged your favorite author to join in? Leave a link in the comments or send it to me,

Like passing notes in class; I’m @paperhaus on Twitter
