
Buzzworthy: A new website gives Vegas visitors an inside track

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Ah, showgirls -- those feather-laden lovelies whose very name conjures thoughts of classic Vegas. Who’d have guessed they would come roaring back as the cutting edge in this suddenly ultramodern town?, that’s who -- a new Sin City-specific travel and entertainment site that combines travel booking and reviews with some sparkly insider expertise you won’t fi nd anywhere else: “technology-enhanced” showgirls whose costume-mounted micro cameras record interviews with Vegas stars, celebrities and behind-the-scenes movers and shakers. The showgirl-procured interviews and reviews take the concept of a travel site to whole new levels.

As the city of Las Vegas has rebooted into a contemporary, all-encompassing experience where visitors can have it all, is all about ensuring that the trip planning process is also a fully modernized experience. “It’s not the part about getting from Point A to Point B; it’s about the overall experience,” said Howard Lefkowitz, CEO and founder of One Degree World, the Las Vegas-based company behind


Launched in December, makes it a breeze to book travel, hotel rooms and restaurant reservations at hot locations like Giada, plus shows, sporting events and specialties, like spa treatments or VIP nightclub service at the swanky Drai’s Nightclub -- all at guaranteed best pricing.

The site is accessible in 58 languages and accepts 93 currencies. And because modern travelers also value smart reviews, includes independent, curated content with invaluable input from local experts.

With sites already serving Los Angeles, London, Orlando and Paris, One Degree World offers travelers one-stop accessibility for bookings and reservations in the world’s top destinations. Using a combination of technology and close relationships with hotels, airlines and venues, the sites make the complex task of sifting through travel options simple.


The algorithms behind dynamically evaluate the best pricing and availability from a vast inventory of hotel rooms and show tickets, then offer the best available rate to the customer. Even if pricing changes after a trip is booked, has visitors covered.

“If prices go down between the time that you book and the time that you actually consume your hotel room, for example, we will actually rebook you automatically at the lower price and give you the refund,” explained Lefkowitz.

For those relying on their mobile devices during their trip (which, let’s face it, is almost everyone), offers location-specifi c help fi nding great deals on, say, a certain type of cuisine or a nearby entertainment experience.


“Given our GPS capabilities and another patent-pending technology, we have the ability to feed you specific information that is tailored directly to your particular needs,” Lefkowitz said.

The service eases navigating a city like Vegas, with its innumerable options for accommodations and entertainment. But it doesn’t stop at the city limits. With One Degree World boasting an A-team of executive-level hospitality and tech experts, .buzz sites are promising to become the go-to norm for booking and navigating in other major travel destinations worldwide.

It turns out “what happens in Vegas” now happens around the world.

-Paul Rogers, Brand Publishing Writer
