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The French

Maybe this is just residual guilt from the “freedom fries” era, but apart from all the obvious reasons to appreciate the Gallic perspective, recent films such as “Man on Wire” and “Roman de Gare” have left us once again a little in awe. Vive la France, indeed.

‘Death Promise’

The release of “Bangkok Dangerous” has us looking for more kicks from ‘70s-era kung-fu movies. After all, have you ever wondered how many shirtless knife fights can one movie include? This low-budget 1977 exploitation curiosity, about a man avenging his father’s murder, clearly looked to set a standard -- in a good way, we think. (Hint, hint, DVD companies.)




We’re not taking sides here (honest), but at this point the news networks’ full-court coverage of Alaska, up-dos and Kawasaki eyewear is getting a little exhausting. Pace yourselves, everyone. Save a few story lines for October.


The Britney Spears ‘comeback’

We weren’t exactly waiting with bated breath for whatever last weekend’s VMAs held, but count us among the grateful that the tabloid favorite didn’t take the opportunity to hit us yet one more time with a song. Yes, we love an underdog too, but isn’t there another fallen pop idol out there we can rally behind?
