
‘The Voice’ recap: 10 highlights from the Season 8 finale

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“The Voice” Season 8 crown was placed reverently on the sleek head of young Sawyer Fredericks, metaphorically speaking, on Tuesday night. The 16-year-old farm-raised fan favorite smiled his gentle smile. He sang in his soulful way, touched his heart and touched hearts. He seemed to take his good fortune in leggy stride, as his supportive mom beamed with pride. I’ve told you all this already. But what else happened during the course of the two-hour finale?

Here are 10 highlights and random thoughts from “The Voice” Season 8 finale:

1) The Top 20’s return to sing “Carry On” and “Some Nights” by Fun -- the 16 previously eliminated contestants rising up triumphantly behind finalists Koryn Hawthorne, Joshua Davis, Meghan Linsey and Fredericks -- served as a striking reminder of how strong the competition was this season and what an accomplishment it was to survive to the very end. Blake Shelton rightly called the Season 8 Top 4 “the most amazing group of singers I’ve ever seen in the finale.”

2) Christina Aguilera’s spot-on “coach audition” impressions of Miley Cyrus, Lady Gaga, Sia, Britney Spears, Cher and actual former coach Shakira were brazenly funny and rather brave. My favorite line, among many choice possibilities, was when Aguilera as Cher asked, “Adam Levine? Is that my accountant?” The runner-up was Aguilera as Lady Gaga, contemplating the customization of “The Voice’s” trademark furniture: “Can we change the color of this chair? Can we make it mirror? Can we throw some bacon on this? I have a meat dress that’s going to stick to this thing like Saran Wrap.”


3) Dear Meghan Trainor’s future husband: Don’t bother to buy her a table lamp. She already has a bunch.

4) Dear everyone else: Will Ferrell has hilariously declared himself to be “the original Pharrell.”

5) Shelton would like us to know that, while Levine is no athlete, he is a “little bit of an athletic supporter.” (And here the country coach cupped his hands just so.) Oh, Blake, the middle school humor gets me every time.

6) Kelly Clarkson’s duets with Hawthorne and Linsey and Sheryl Crow’s with Davis were just so generous. (“Perfect,” Crow mouthed to Davis afterward.) I may have said the same thing about Fredericks’ moment with John Fogerty, but I was too frustrated by the eventual winner’s microphone issues. Couldn’t someone have fixed that?

7) The bring-back performances always bring interesting revelations about backstage friendships: Linsey’s bond with Sarah Potenza, Davis’ admiration for Brian Johnson, Fredericks’ teen-contestant crew. Who knew?


8) Levine’s injured response to an unrecognizing Reba McEntire in a funny re-cut of her appearance as a guest mentor, working with Pharrell, was priceless.

9) Williams’ revelation that he has already started working with his former team member Mia Z? Can’t wait to hear the result of their time working together in the studio.

10) The coaches’ performance honoring B.B. King -- with Williams initially on drums and Aguilera killing the vocals in the final moments -- proved that while another season of “The Voice” has reached its end, the thrill is definitely not gone.


Meet you back here for Season 9 in the fall.
