
‘Once Upon a Time’: Anna’s contract, Hook’s date and ‘The Apprentice’

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Contracts are key in this “The Apprentice” episode of “Once Upon a Time,” and Rumpelstiltskin-the Dark Lord-Mr. Gold is at the center of the dealmaking. Oh, and Emma and Hook go out on a proper date. Finally.

We start off with the mysterious box containing the magical sorcerer’s hat. Historically, Dark Lords like Rumpelstiltskin have been trying to open the box for a long time. One finds the room with the box in it, guarded by the Sorcerer’s Apprentice (who looks nothing like Mickey Mouse). Though he is easily overcome, the magic is still protected by a spell from the sorcerer who created it. The Apprentice knew the spell was there: “No Dark One will ever possess what is in that box.” But in the now of Storybrooke, it seems the current Dark One, Rumpelstiltskin, is able to open the box and see the power within. We must surmise that it’s because he never totally succumbed to the evil in his heart? Maybe?

And speaking of heart -- Emma decides to ask out Captain Hook. Their whole relationship has been Hook, or Killian, pursuing Emma with innuendo and the occasional heroic deed. Now it’s her turn -- so she asks Hook out -- but he gets to do the planning. Emma’s fine with whatever, but “I don’t pillage and plunder on the first date.” Quite smoothly, Hook says that’s because she hasn’t done it with him. Nice, Killian. Nice.


But Hook needs more to make the date special, so he goes to the Dark One hoping to blackmail his way into a favor: reunite his hand with his body or he’ll tell Belle that she has a fake dagger and that Rumpel lied about it. Rumpel is tired of the threats, but agrees. For some odd reason, that cannot be justified with whatever explanation Rumpel spouted off, Rumpelstiltskin kept Hook’s hand (in a jar?) all of this time. Rumpel does warn Hook that putting the hand back could also return some of Hook’s more unsavory characteristics. Well, something’s not right here.

Anna from Arendelle, meet the Dark One. In the past Enchanted Forest, Anna has sought out the Dark One to ask why her parents came to Misthaven/the Enchanted Forest. But to get an answer out of Rumpel, there must be a deal. Looks like Anna has to sign a contract, and poison someone -- and that someone looks to be the Sorcerer’s Apprentice! She meets up with the kindly old guy, and can’t poison him.

Back to the actual date in Storybrooke. Elsa and the Charmings see Emma off on her evening with a newly two-handed Hook, who takes her to a nice restaurant. Wonder who runs this restaurant in Storybrooke? Maybe Remy (“Ratatouille”)? Anyway, Will Scarlett is there, and Hook’s “unsavory” tendencies come out as he grabs the clumsy thief, with intent to harm. Emma says the bump and run is OK, but Hook’s piratey behaviour even surprises himself -- like his hand is somehow affecting him. Huh, imagine that.


Emma and Hook get close -- closer -- like, kissing close, at the end of the date. Killian is still troubled, but later finds Will Scarlett and smacks him around for no good reason. Killian’s concern turns to fear, Will Scarlett ends up in jail after Belle finds him asleep in the library.

Oh, you trickster, Rumpel. He gave Anna an antidote, not a poison, to slip in the Sorcerer’s Apprentice’s tea. But she didn’t give it to him, thinking, as most did, that it was a poison -- and he turned into a mouse. Anna wants to save him, but the Dark One does not. He’s guarding a powerful artifact. Anna, not willing to kill the Dark One to free herself of the contract she signed with him, must apparently stay in his tower now. Since she contemplates killing Rumpel, she also provides him with the the power necessary -- “The tear of someone who has faced their inner darkness and turned away” -- to open the box.

But Anna is pretty spunky, and the mousey Apprentice helps her gain the upper hand, namely Rumpel’s dagger. She orders him to give her the Sorcerer’s hat, restore the Sorcerer’s Apprentice and send her home to Arendelle, never to come after her or her sister for retribution. He must obey.


In the present, Rumpel is still making deals, and Hook will regret that he’s made one with Mr. Gold. But he almost has no choice since there’d be no way to rid himself of the murderous hand with Mr. Gold’s magic to remove it. Part of his deal is to accompany Gold as he follows a walking broom -- great nod to the original “Fantasia” there, guys -- to the Sorcerer’s Apprentice. There, Gold brings forth the magical hat and sucks the Apprentice into it. Guess he was still mad about the mouse bite?

Emma has been led around the city much of this episode by the Snow Queen and her fleeting sightings. We still don’t know why. The end for that story line -- for now.

Kristoff and Anna and Sven reunite. Anna found out from Rumpel that her parents were looking for a way to rid Elsa of her powers before their demise. She now has this powerful sorcerer’s hat, but doesn’t know what to do with the knowledge yet.

Even after their disposal of the Apprentice, Hook can’t quit Mr. Gold -- because he won’t let him. They’re both blackmailing each other by threatening to reveal something to the other’s loved one. Hook, telling Belle about the fake dagger, and Mr. Gold, that Hook went into a house and somehow hurt an old man. Gold gets the upper hand, so to speak, when he reveals that he put the real dagger back into Belle’s possession, and that he has video of Hook’s break-in. Trumped by Gold again.

Sneaky Henry. Throughout the episode, Henry and Regina have been trying to revive Marion, and Henry knows that Robin still loves Regina. But the Queen knows that it’s more complicated than that for them to be together. Anyway, getting nowhere with a cure, Henry still wants to help his mom be happy, and decides to put phase two of his plan in motion. In order to help Regina figure out who the author of the “Once Upon a Time” fairy tale book is, he decides to go undercover as his Dark One grandpa’s apprentice/after-school employee. Operation Mongoose is in full effect.
