
Nuclear’s next-generation reactor?

Protective shell Below-ground construction improves security Transport truck Containment vessel
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If the EM2 technology performs as designed, it would produce power at up to 40% lower cost than today’s existing nuclear reactors and produce electricity at much higher density.

Factory built


The reactor and other major plant components are manufactured in assembly-line fashion to drive down construction costs and shorten construction schedules.


General Atomics’ next generation reactor, the Energy Multiplier Module, is small enough to ship by rail, barge or truck.


Remote locations

Smaller plants can be installed in locations away from major transmission lines. Dry-cooling features will allow the reactors to operate far from oceans, lakes and rivers that feed most current reactors.

  • The core can run for 30 years without refueling. Typical current technology requires refueling every 18 months.
  • Addresses risks of weapons material proliferation by exhausting fuel more thoroughly.