
Front page: Los Angeles Times | Sunday, September 7, 2014

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Obama draws flak over immigration reform delay

Christi Parsons, Kathleen Hennessey, White House correspondents, and Lisa Mascaro, who covers Congress in Washington, D.C., write that Obama's decision to postpone his promised executive action on immigration reform is a setback to the strategy of using his authority to get around congressional deadlock. Read: Obama draws flak over immigration reform delay

Mexico crackdown keeps migrants off trains known as 'La Bestia'

Tracy Wilkinson, Mexico bureau chief, reports that under U.S. pressure, Mexico for the first time in many years has launched a wide crackdown on Central American migrants. More than 60,000 have been deported this year, as many as half in recent months. Read: Mexico crackdown keeps migrants off trains known as 'La Bestia'

Seniors boost number of veterans deemed unemployable

Alan Zarembo, investigative reporter who focuses on medicine, science and the military, writes that more than half the 137,343 veterans approved for unemployability benefits since 2010 were 65 or older, including 13,684 who were at least 75, according to VA statistics. Read: Seniors boost number of veterans deemed unemployable

More Angelenos are becoming street vendors amid weak economy

Tiffany Hsu, who covers the California economy, writes, "Vendors have become the go-to shopping destination for many — parents looking for a bargain on children's clothing, families that can't afford a restaurant meal, customers for whom Wal-Mart prices are now too high." Read: More Angelenos are becoming street vendors amid weak economy

Vaccination controversy swirls around O.C.'s 'Dr. Bob'

Paloma Esquivel, Orange County reporter, writes that while the vast majority of physicians are troubled by the anti-vaccination movement, Dr. Bob Sears, Dana Point pediatrician and author of "The Vaccine Book: Making the Right Decision for Your Child," lends a sympathetic ear. Read: Vaccination controversy swirls around O.C.'s 'Dr. Bob'
