
Oregon Sen. Jeff Merkley won’t join 2020 presidential field

Sen. Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) speaks during the U.S. Conference of Mayors meeting Jan. 24 in Washington.
(Jose Luis Magana / Associated Press)
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Sen. Jeff Merkley of Oregon has decided not to enter the increasingly crowded race for the 2020 Democratic presidential nomination after months of consideration.

Merkley told the Associated Press the large field of Democratic contenders for the White House was not a major factor in his decision, nor was an Oregon law that prevents him from being on the ballot for more than one elected office in any given year.

“I’ve never shied from a fight, and there’s nothing about the field that would make me reluctant to be there,” Merkley said.


Merkley, who planned to formally announce his intentions on Tuesday, said in a telephone interview that he decided he would be more effective running for his third term in the Senate than being a candidate for the presidency.

He said he aims to fight anti-democracy moves including voter suppression, gerrymandering and dark money. He said he also wants to focus on helping families by improving healthcare, education and access to living-wage jobs and on stemming climate change.

“These are the things we feel like we have to take on, and we have to take them on boldly and aggressively,” Merkley said.


He is not endorsing any candidate yet but said he is impressed by many of those Democrats who have already declared their candidacy or intention to run.

“If you’re running, you’ve got to present a credible and determined vision on how you’ll take on these problems,” he advised the growing field.

In just the past few days, former Colorado Gov. John Hickenlooper and current Washington Gov. Jay Inslee launched their presidential bids, and Hillary Clinton and former Atty. Gen. Eric H. Holder Jr. said they’re not running.


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Merkley expressed guarded optimism that Democrats might regain control of the Senate in 2020, buoyed by opposition to President Trump.

If the House were to impeach Trump, the Senate would act as jury in a trial overseen by the chief justice of the Supreme Court, and Merkley would have a seat in the juror box, something he indicated he anticipates.

“The House has the responsibility of taking the first step,” Merkley said. “As a future juror, let me just withhold my thoughts until the House has acted, and I have a responsibility to play that role in the Senate.”

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