
In the Running for California Governor

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These Californians filed nomination documents with county registrars before Saturday’s 5 p.m. deadline, a key step toward appearing on the ballot in the Oct. 7 recall election.

Their ranks include professional politicians, a radiologist, a nuclear engineer, an adult education teacher, a porn star and a 100-year-old woman from Long Beach. The availability of information and photographs of candidates varied Saturday.

For the record:

12:00 a.m. Aug. 13, 2003 For The Record
Los Angeles Times Wednesday August 13, 2003 Home Edition Main News Part A Page 2 National Desk 1 inches; 37 words Type of Material: Correction
Gubernatorial candidate -- A biography in Sunday’s Section A for gubernatorial candidate D. Logan Darrow Clements listed the incorrect year he received his bachelor’s degree from the University of Rochester. He earned it in 1991, not 1981.
For The Record
Los Angeles Times Wednesday September 10, 2003 Home Edition Main News Part A Page 2 National Desk 1 inches; 59 words Type of Material: Correction
Recall candidate -- A biography Aug. 10 in Section A of gubernatorial candidate Frank A. Macaluso Jr. did not fully describe his career history. After completing a one-year medical internship at the Veterans Hospital in Fresno, Macaluso went on to complete a four-year residency in Denver. He heads the department of radiology at the Kaweah Delta Hospital in Visalia.

There are various ways to place a name on the ballot, but many filing for the recall took a similar route -- submitting signatures of 65 registered voters from their party and county and paying a $3,500 fee. Democrats and Republicans could avoid the fee by submitting 10,000 signatures. Up to 150 signatures could be required of minor-party candidates hoping to avoid the fee.


To qualify for the ballot, a candidate’s signatures must be verified by county officials. Secretary of State Kevin Shelley’s office must then process the fee and certify the candidates. A final list of official candidates is expected to be released Wednesday. For the latest candidate biographies and complete recall coverage, go to:



Age: “Ageless”

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Billboard model, entertainer

Residence: Rancho Palos Verdes and Bel-Air

Family: Single, no kids

Education: Declined to state

Career Highlights: Known for billboard campaign. Featured in more than 43 films and more than 1,000 magazines and televisions shows.

Quote: “We’ve had Gray. We’ve had Brown. Now it’s time for some blond and pink.”


Brooke Adams

Age: 25

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Business account executive with Gramercy Partners publishing house.

Residence: Dana Point

Family: Single

Education: B.A. in communications, USC, 2000

Career Highlights: Cable television reporter before entering publishing.

Quote: “It’s time for my generation to lead California. Davis has done a terrible job of leading California and so have Democratic and Republican politicians. I believe my candidacy will empower my generation to control our own destiny.”



Iris Adam

Age: 50

Party: Natural Law

Occupation: Business analyst, UC Irvine

Residence: Irvine

Family: Married, two children

Education: B.A. in education, University of Wyoming, 1975.

Career Highlights: Fund-raiser for children’s charities. Raised three foster children. Former director of school for gifted children.

Quote: “The recall is disruptive. Sustainable economy, quality education, health care are not Republican or Democratic issues. They are important issues. We need to infuse coherent consciousness into the process to solve the problems of California.”


Mohammad Arif

Age: 33

Party: Independent

Occupation: Businessman

Residence: Los Angeles

Family: Married, no children

Education: B.A. in commerce, Punjab University, Pakistan. M.A. in economics, Punjab University, Pakistan.


Career Highlights: Organizer for Pakistan People’s Party in late 1980s.

Quote: “My agenda is to work for the common people -- for everyone.”


Badi Badiozamani

Age: 55

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Businessman and author

Residence: San Diego

Family: Married, two daughters

Education: B.A. in 1973 from Shiraz Pahlavi University in Iran; M.A. in public administration, Roosevelt University, Chicago, 1977.

Career Highlights: Served in Iranian navy 1973-75. Immigrated to California in 1981. Founded insurance company and translation services firm in San Diego. Appointed by Gov. Pete Wilson to serve five years on Governor’s Joint Advisory Board; currently on San Diego Business Advisory Board and San Diego International Affairs board. Author of a book, “Iran and America: Rethinking Love Lost,” to be published this fall.

Quote: “This is an opportunity for me to offer my experience and assistance back to the state that let me and my family live the American dream.”


John W. Beard

Age: 41

Party: Republican

Occupation: Businessman

Residence: Chatsworth

Family: Married, five children

Education: Los Angeles Baptist High School, 1980.

Career Highlights: Helped make family graphic arts and printing business into multimillion-dollar company: G2 Graphic Service.

Quote: “I want to run California like a business. This state would be in a lot better condition if its government treated the people of California like customers, not tenants.”


Ed Beyer

Age: 37

Party: Republican

Occupation: Private investigator

Residence: San Clemente

Family: Married, two children

Education: Attended Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University.

Career Highlights: Founded Transwest investigative services at age 23.

Quote: “We need to bring people and jobs back to California.”


Cheryl Bly-Chester

Age: 45

Party: Republican

Occupation: Business owner, environmental engineer

Residence: Roseville

Family: Single, three children

Education: B.S. in civil engineering, UC Davis, 1979; MBA, American Graduate School of International Management, 1984; postgraduate certificate in nuclear power reactor safety, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1986.


Career Highlights: Engineering career in transportation, energy and environmental fields for 27 years. Wrote a chapter in highway engineering handbook, freelance journalist.

Quote: “I can keep businesses in California by eliminating unnecessary regulatory duplication, and reorganize and consolidate the governor’s office to cut spending and improve the economy.”


Audie Elizabeth Bock

Age: 57

Party: Democrat

Occupation: College professor, author specializing in Asian culture.

Residence: Piedmont

Family: Single, one child

Education: B.A. French, Wellesley College, 1967; M.A. East Asian studies, Harvard University, 1974.

Career Highlights: From 1985 to 1999, owned film distribution company handling mostly foreign films. Elected to California Assembly in 1999, the first Green Party candidate in the country to win statewide office. Served until 2000. Wrote three books on Japanese film. Taught ethnic studies at Harvard, Yale and UC Berkeley. Currently teaching in Peralta Community College District, Oakland.

Quote: “Where is what my party stands for in all of this? ... I will bring those things back, and we will do them right. There are people in Sacramento who are willing to do that, but they couldn’t do it under Gray Davis.”


Art Brown

Age: 38

Party: Democrat

Occupation: film writer, director

Residence: Canoga Park

Family: Single

Education: B.A. in economics, UC Berkeley, 1988; J.D., Loyola Law School, 1993.

Career Highlights: Wrote a handful of studio and independent films, including “Best Men.”

Quote: “I absolutely have some genuine issues. I started for publicity, but now that I’m running, I kind of want to run. I want to stir up the pot. I’ll debate anyone at any time, and hopefully at least give the voters something to chew on.”



John Christopher Burton

Age: 50

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Civil rights attorney

Residence: Pasadena

Family: Married, two children

Education: B.A. in anthropology, UCLA, 1976; J.D., Hastings College of the Law, 1978.

Career Highlights: Adjunct law professor at University of West Los Angeles, 1981-89. Opened own civil rights law practice, 1984.

Quote: “The recall campaign, which I oppose, is an attempt by right-wing forces to undermine democratic rights and accelerate the accumulation of corporate profits and the wealth of the rich. But if the recall is successful, California’s working people need an alternative to the pro-big-business policies of the candidates associated with the Democratic Party.”


Cruz Bustamante

Age: 50

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Lieutenant governor, California

Residence: Elk Grove

Family: Married; three children, two grandchildren

Education: Attended Fresno City College, California State University.

Career Highlights: Director, Fresno Summer Youth Employment Program, 1977-83. Elected to state Assembly, 1993; Assembly speaker, 1996-98. Lieutenant governor since 1998.

Quote: “I believe in my heart that as I move forward that it’s going to be very important that we don’t allow those folks without experience and who have just some kind of philosophical, extreme agenda to gather and to somehow be able to obtain this position. I’m opposed to the recall.”


Peter Miguel Camejo

Age: 63

Party: Green Party

Occupation: Investment firm chairman and co-founder.

Residence: Folsom

Family: Married, two children

Education: Attended Massachusetts Institute of Technology, 1958-60; UC Berkeley, 1965-67.

Career Highlights: Lifelong supporter of civil rights for minorities and workers. Unsuccessful 1976 run for president as a Socialist. Founding member of California Green Party in the 1990s. In 1987, helped create Progressive Asset Management Inc., focusing on socially responsible investments.

Quote: “If I became governor, I would do an investigation into what has happened, because millions of dollars have been given away.”



Todd Carson

Age: 34

Party: Republican

Occupation: Commercial real estate developer and investor; former admissions counselor and lacrosse coach, Chapman University, Orange.

Residence: Newport Beach

Family: Married, one child

Education: B.A. in psychology, Chapman University 1992; real estate license, 1993.

Career highlights: Three-year member of the Western Carwash Assn.; member of Chapman University men’s lacrosse alumni boards and Sigma Phi Epsilon fraternity alumni boards.

Quote: “The state’s not run like a business, and it needs to be because you’re dealing with dollars. Political parties get put before the budget.”


D. Logan Darrow Clements

Age: 34

Party: Republican

Occupation: Businessman

Residence: Pacific Palisades

Family: Single

Education: B.A. in economics, University of Rochester, 1981. MBA, University of Rochester, 1992.

Quote: “I have a plan to dramatically improve the economy in California: to reduce the amount of government and government interference in the economy.”


Gary Wayne Coleman

Age: 35

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Actor

Residence: Culver City

Family: Single

Education: General equivalency diploma.

Career Highlights: Starred as Arnold Drummond in 1970s TV sitcom “Diff’rent Strokes.”

Quote: “I am the least-qualified man that might do the best job, if I were really running. But I’d say people first, corporations second. I’d send private citizens and investigators to go get California’s $38 billion back.”



Scott Davis

Age: 38

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Owns Valero Solutions, high-tech software consulting company.

Residence: Palo Alto

Family: Single

Education: B.S. in business, University of North Carolina, 1987; master’s in business administration from the University of Georgia, 1988.

Career highlights: Won professional awards at several companies he worked for before starting his own business. Has done consulting work for Dell Computer. Community activist.

Quote: “I’m the real Davis for governor. I’m unhappy with the status quo government. I want to make our state government more efficient and I want to lower taxes.”


Bob Edwards

Age: 42

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Divorce lawyer

Residence: Hayward

Family: Married; two sons, one stepson

Education: B.A. in political science, San Francisco State, 1983; J.D., San Francisco Law School, 1991.

Career Highlights: Member of California State Bar since 1991. Established own law firm in Fremont, 1991.

Quote: “I was concerned that an ultraconservative would win. I felt it was my responsibility to put my name on the ballot because I think I can make a change for the better. This is an amazing thing for California.”



Warren Farrell

Age: 60

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Author of books on fathers and families

Residence: Carlsbad

Family: Married, two children

Education: B.A. in social studies, Montclair State, 1965; M.A. in political science, UCLA, 1966; PhD in political science, New York University, 1974.

Career Highlights: Books include: “Father and Child Reunion” and “Why Men Are the Way They Are.”

Quote: “One of my purposes is to create stronger families so we have more functional citizens that are paying taxes than are tax sponges.”


Dan Feinstein

Age: 40

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Visual effects artist for movie industry

Residence: San Francisco

Family: Single, no children

Education: B.A. in radio, television and film, San Jose State University, 1992.

Career Highlights: Worked on “Terminator 3” starring Arnold Schwarzenegger.

Quote: “I am trying to get some issues into the political arena that aren’t being discussed by the celebrity candidates, like higher education. Cutting higher education is a bad thing to do.”


Larry Flynt

Age: 60

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Publisher

Residence: Beverly Hills

Family: Married, five children

Education: Attended high school

Career Highlights: President, Larry Flynt Publications. Owner of Hustler Casino. Imprisoned for six months in 1983 for contempt of court. Sponsors Larry Flynt Foundation, which supports research on spinal cord injuries and civil liberties.

Quote: “Just because I peddle in porn doesn’t mean I’m not concerned about the serious ills all of us are facing.”



Lorraine Abner Zurd Fontanes

Age: 41

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Filmmaker

Residence: Westwood

Family: Married, one daughter

Education: B.A. in radio, television and film, Temple University, 1983.

Career Highlights: Motocross journalist; directed film that was shown at the Sundance Film Festival in 1994.

Quote: “My platform is basically common sense for California. It’s time we got together and stopped bickering.”


Leo Gallagher

Age: 57

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Comedian

Residence: Agoura

Family: Divorced, 2 children

Education: B.A. in English, University of South Florida, 1970.

Career Highlights: Has toured United States since early 1980s; known for smashing watermelons and other produce on stage.

Quote: “Anybody can be meat and potatoes; I’m the spice in this election. We’re having fun with it. I’m not going to be elected.”


Hank Gehman

Age: 54

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Contractor

Education: Graduate, Columbia University 1978; graduate work in American history, UC Berkeley, 1979.

Family: Married, no children

Quote: “I just decided I wanted to use this [recall] as a vehicle to create a forum for Californians.”



Howard Allen Gershater

Age: 60

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Owner of two hearing-aid stores.

Residence: Camarillo

Family: Married, three children

Education: B.A. in sociology and psychology, University of Vermont, Burlington, 1966.

Career Highlights: As a college student, walked across America twice. Early 1970s, started the Fabulous Fifties Talent Agency, booking musical bands and his own engagements as an traveling disc jockey and Elvis tribute singer. Ran unsuccessfully for Vermont state Senate in 1978 and 1980. Moved to California in 1981.

Quote: “If I’m supposed to run for this office, please let there be some sign.... At that very instant, this giant comet streaks across the sky and the comet is as bright as can be for five seconds.... OK, thank you, I got the message.”


Gerold Lee Gorman

Age: 42

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Unemployed

Residence: Martinez

Family: Single, no children

Education: B.S. in engineering physics, UC Berkeley, 1995.

Career Highlights: Worked most recently as applications developer at a now-defunct dot-com. Ran unsuccessfully for mayor of San Bruno, 1991. Substitute teacher in California public schools 1996-98.

Quote: “Education and public safety -- these are the critical issues. I’m going to try to make good and wise decisions for the people. I will bring creative thinking to government.”


Richard Gosse

Age: 54

Party: Republican

Occupation: Educator, author

Residence: San Rafael

Family: Married, no children

Education: B.S. in government, University of San Francisco, 1970. M.A. in secondary education, San Francisco State University, 1977.

Career Highlights: Middle school teacher in San Francisco for nine years. Became a full-time advocate for the unmarried in 1980. Author of eight books about life as a single person.


Quote: “ ‘Fairness for singles’ -- that’s my platform.... Someone has to stand up for the 34% of the population that is single and neglected by the politicians.... Single people pay more taxes than married people. Single people pay a much higher auto insurance rate than married people.”


Joe Guzzardi

Age: 60

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Adult education teacher and opinion columnist for local newspaper and Internet magazine.

Residence: Lodi

Family: Single, one son, two grandchildren

Education: B.A. in English, University of Pittsburgh, 1964.

Career Highlights: Investment banker in New York City for 15 years; in banking for two years in Seattle before entering education.

Quote: “I’m running because I’m very disappointed. In the 15 or so years since I returned to California, no politicians have been willing to discuss the impact of illegal immigration on California and the impact of illegal immigration on population growth in California.”


Sara Ann Hanlon

Age: 61

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Businesswoman and commercial artist

Residence: La Mirada

Family: Married, two stepchildren

Education: B.A. in graphic design, UCLA, 1964.

Career Highlights: Signal Hill city councilwoman 1986-90 and 1992-97. Mayor of Signal Hill, 1989-90 and 1995-96.

Quote: “I’m running because I don’t think the politicians are listening to the people in California.”



Ivan Hall

Age: 42

Party: Green

Occupation: Owner of denture manufacturing business.

Residence: Redding

Family: Married, three children

Education: Attended Indiana University, Purdue University and other institutions.

Career highlights: Five years in the Navy. Helped spearhead opposition to fiberglass factory in Shasta Lake. Co-founded Citizens for Cleaner Air.

Quote: “What I’m sick and tired of is the baloney. Whether you get an actor with no experience or Gray Davis with tons of experience, all we get is a bunch of hoopla.”


Ralph A. Hernandez

Age: 55

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Inspector, Contra Costa County district attorney’s office.

Residence: Antioch

Family: Married; three sons, two daughters

Education: B.A. in criminal justice, Cal State Sacramento, 1981.

Career Highlights: D.A.’s office inspector for 17 years; before that was police officer in Pittsburg, Calif., and Half Moon Bay. Member of Antioch City Council, 1992-95.

Quote: “The state needs a take-charge guy at the top. I am a take-charge kind of guy. I believe the state needs someone to look out for people, [not] for special interests or campaign contributors. I am tight with a dollar, and I believe the state should be [so] with the public’s money.”


Jim Hoffmann

Age: 39

Party: Republican

Occupation: High school social studies teacher

Residence: Hesperia

Family: Married; two daughters, one stepdaughter

Education: B.A. in history and German, Eastern Illinois University, 1986; M.A. in education, Northern Illinois University, 1990.

Career Highlights: Taught in Chicago until 1995, then moved to California. Taught social studies at Manteca High School until June; will start at Hesperia High School in September. Ran unsuccessfully for Manteca City Council in 1999.


Quote: “When I signed the petition, I never thought I’d run. But I thought, ‘Why not?’ I can’t do any worse than they’re doing. And I teach government, so it’s a logical leap.”


Arianna Huffington

Age: 53

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Syndicated columnist, author

Residence: Los Angeles

Family: Divorced, two children

Education: M.A. in economics, Cambridge University, 1971.

Career Highlights: Wrote best-selling biographies of Pablo Picasso and Maria Callas. Conservative political commentator before emerging left of center.

Quote: “The time has come to take back our government and ensure that it works for all Californians, not just those who can afford to buy their own personal politician. This is not a question of right or left; it’s a question of right or wrong.”


Michael A. Jackson

Age: 39

Party: Republican

Occupation: Electrical engineer

Residence: Long Beach

Family: Married, two children

Education: A.S., Citrus Community College, 1994; B.S., electrical engineering, UCLA, 1996.

Career Highlights: Served in Navy 1982-91 as nuclear power plant engineer and on submarines. Now project manager for a satellite company.

Quote: “Schools start off the whole chain of events. They don’t instill any discipline in the kids, and they grow into adults with no discipline. We don’t care what our politicians are doing in Sacramento. No one is taking responsibility for their community anymore.”


Edward T. Kennedy

Age: 49

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Businessman

Residence: Weaverville

Family: Divorced, no children

Education: B.S., political science, Allentown College of St. Francis de Sales, 1975; MBA, University of Notre Dame, 1977.


Career Highlights: Small-business and sales consultant in Bay Area since early 1980s.

Quote: “The purpose of government is to get you born healthy, educated, to live securely and to die with integrity. The current team is striking out on all of these. They are greedy people doing the work of special interests with no oversight.”


David E. Kessinger

Age: 61

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Paralegal

Residence: Riverside

Education: B.A., accounting, Riverside University (now defunct), 1969; attended California Southern law School, 1970-73.

Career Highlights: Served on Riverside County Democratic Central Committee in 1980s.

Quote: “I’m good at balancing the budget. I live relatively comfortably on $10,000 a year.... I know how to tear into a budget and see what’s there, what’s fluff and if it’s really meaningful.”


Kelly Kimball

Age: 45

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Co-owner of a beer company making beer directed at spring-breakers.

Residence: Tarzana

Family: Married, two children

Education: B.S. in political science, Eastern Kentucky University, 1979.

Career Highlights: Wants to use candidacy to promote her brand company.

Quote: “You’ve got guys like us who will run for governor simply to exploit a product -- it appears now that is what this system will allow.”


Eric J. Korevaar

Age: 44

Party: Democrat

Occupation: High technology consultant

Residence: La Jolla

Family: Married, one child

Education: B.S. in physics, Caltech 1981; PhD in engineering, Princeton University, 1987.

Career Highlights: Founded AstroTerra Corp. in 1992, developing optical wireless communications; sold company in 2000. Currently president and owner of the Science Artist consulting services.

Quote: “I felt strongly that this whole recall effort was wrong because it was basically paid for by very specific political purposes, rather than coming about because the government had done something wrong.”



Dick Lane

Age: 65

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Psychology professor, San Jose State University

Residence: Sunnyvale

Family: Divorced; seven children, five grandchildren

Education: A.A., East L.A. Community College, 1959; B.A. in government, Cal State Los Angeles, 1961; M.A. in government, Cal State Los Angeles, 1969; PhD in international relations, USC, 1975.

Career highlights: Congressional candidate, 15th District (Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties), 1998 and 1996; four years on state Democratic Party Central Committee; member of Santa Clara and Santa Cruz counties’ central committees; worked on at least a dozen political campaigns.

Quote: “If the Republicans take over the government, the Democratic Legislature’s not gonna give them the time of day for three years. What you’ll have is stagnation and both parties coming out with black eyes because they won’t be able to address any real issues.”


Gary Leonard

Age: 52

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Freelance photographer

Residence: Los Angeles

Family: Single, two children

Education: B.A. in motion picture and TV production, UCLA, 1973.

Career Highlights: Freelance photographer since 1978. Spent 11 years chronicling construction of Walt Disney Concert Hall.

Quote: “I’m running because I can. This is history and I wanted to be part of it. I’m serious about doing this, but I’m not serious about winning. I don’t think there will be another opportunity to do this and I just couldn’t pass it up.”


Todd Richard “The Bumhunter” Lewis

Age: 27

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Film producer, performer, businessman

Residence: West Hollywood

Family: Single

Education: B.S. (declined to disclose institution)

Career Highlights: Appeared as “The Bum Hunter” in 2001 movie “Bumfights.” Recently released his own film, “The Bum Hunter.”


Quote: “People are going to know the Bum Hunter is doing this, and hopefully it will get the young demographic to go out there, support me, register to vote, and be involved in future elections. And it will draw attention to the homeless people; no one realizes how many people are out there.”


Shu Yih Liu

Age: 58

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: CEO of the Stuttz automobile company

Residence: Westwood

Family: Single

Education: BSCE in civil engineering, Chicago Tech, 1972.

Career Highlights: Owned real estate, such as the old RCA building, throughout Los Angeles area.

Quote: “I don’t have any interest in personal fame. I see that there is a big solution for the deficit. California has lost its chi -- it’s aura -- and I have the solution. As soon as I am in the position to do so, I will announce plan to solve the problems in California.”


Calvin Louie

Age: 54

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Certified public accountant

Residence: San Francisco

Family: Married, no children

Education: B.S. in accounting, UC Berkeley, 1971; working on master’s degree at Golden Gate University.

Career Highlights: Accountant since 1971, CPA since 1980. Has served on a number of commissions, including the San Francisco Human Rights Commission in the late 1990s.

Quote: “I guess I took out my papers way before Bustamante ... jumped in. At that time, there was no Democratic candidate on the ballot. I didn’t want the governorship going to a Republican; that was my main reason of jumping into the governor’s race.”



Frank A. Macaluso Jr.

Age: 44

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Radiologist

Residence: Visalia

Family: Married, three children

Education: B.A. in chemical engineering, University of New Mexico, 1981; M.D., University of New Mexico, 1985.

Career Highlights: Variety of positions in oil and gas industry, one year medical training at Veterans Hospital in Fresno, 1985.

Quote: “California Democrats need a financially conservative governor that would control spending and promote a business-friendly environment in our state without sacrificing education, health care and transportation. I feel that I am one of the most well-qualified in that field.”


Paul “Chip” Mailander

Age: 37

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Golf professional

Residence: San Diego

Family: Married, no children

Education: High school, Omaha.

Career Highlights: Navy for eight years. Currently manager a golf shop in Rancho Santa Fe; also teaches golf.

Quote: “One of our members came in last Sunday and said that of all the people, I should run. He said I was a great person and would make a great governor. I’d have to look at the fiscal crisis, then chip away at it, as they say in golf.”


Robert C. Mannheim

Age: 55

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Retired businessman, accountant and attorney.

Residence: Agoura Hills

Family: Married, three children

Education: B.A. in economics, UCLA, 1969; J.D., Southwestern University, 1974.

Career Highlights: Worked at Arthur Andersen accounting firm 1969-72; became a CPA in 1972. Passed California bar exam, 1974. Manager at a Beverly Hills accounting firm 1979-85; Retired in 1986.


Quote: “When I first heard it would take 65 signatures and $3,500


Bruce Margolin

Age: 61

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Criminal defense attorney and director, National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws (NORML).

Residence: Beverly Hills

Family: Single, three children

Education: Law degree, Southwestern University, 1967; Graduate, Valley Community College, 1962.

Career highlights: Represented Timothy Leary; has promoted reform of marijuana laws for three decades.

Quote: “I strongly feel marijuana laws must be legalized. All drug laws have to be looked at. It’s a complete waste of taxpayers’ dollars, and the prison system is out of control.”


Paul Mariano

Age: 56

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Public defender

Residence: Martinez

Family: Single, one child

Education: B.A. in political science, Cal State Sacramento, 1973; J.D., Hastings College of the Law, 1976.

Career Highlights: Trial attorney with Contra Costa County’s public defender’s office since 1977.


Quote: “I’m running because I’m opposed to the recall process. If elected, I would institute Gray Davis as my chief of staff. That would make him the de facto governor of California, the position to which he was duly elected.”


Gino Martorana

Age: 56

Party: Republican

Occupation: Restaurant owner

Residence: Kingsburg

Family: Married; three children, one grandchild

Education: No formal education; dropped out of 10th grade to work as a barber.

Career Highlights: Owner of Gino’s Italian Eatery since 1993.

Quote: “Business is my thing. The state is complaining we don’t have any money, but they are involved in so many things that hinder business. They need to get out of the way.”


Mike McCarthy

Age: 44

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Used-car dealer

Education: Attended Cuesta College

Family: Married; one son

Residence: Pismo Beach

Career highlights: Owns McCarthy Wholesale chain of used-car dealerships in San Luis Obispo and Arroyo Grande. Established a Sober Graduation program five years ago that gives a free car each year to one graduating high school senior who vows to stay sober. Active in the Central Coast History Foundation.

Quote: “The answers to all difficult problems are not where we seek them. It’s a bigger budget, but as a businessman, I deal with problems and have to have creative solutions.”


Robert McClain

Age: 38

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Civil engineer

Residence: Oakland

Family: Married, no children

Education: B.A. in science, civil engineering, UC Berkeley, 1986; M.S., UC Berkeley, 1988; MBA, UCLA, 1993.

Career Highlights: Project management for Port of Oakland,

Quote: “My primary goal is to have a stable, long-term, adequate budget plan for the state. I originally thought it would be fun to be on the ballot, but the process has become more serious -- quite serious.”



State Sen. Tom McClintock

Age: 47

Party: Republican

Occupation: California state senator, District 19.

Residence: Newbury Park

Family: Married, two children

Education: B.A. political science, UCLA, 1978.

Career Highlights: Elected to state Assembly in 1982 at age 26; served until 1992. Served again 1996-2000. Ran unsuccessfully for Congress in 1992 and for state controller in 1994. Elected to state Senate in 2000. Known as an anti-tax crusader; favors abolition of vehicle license fee.

Quote: “If my family had come here looking for a better future for their kids today, rather than in 1965, they wouldn’t have found it in California.”


Scott Mednick

Age: 47

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Co-owns a company (with candidate Kelly Kimball) making beer directed at spring-breakers.

Residence: Calabasas

Family: Married, three children

Education: B.F.A., Rhode Island School of Design, 1978; M.A. in applied psychology, Santa Monica University, 1996.

Quote: “Since the circus had already begun, as marketers we thought it was a great opportunity to at least expose our brand name to people. But more important than that, we believe any system that allows for this to happen is broken and the system needs to be reformed.”


Carl Mehr

Age: 70

Party: Republican

Occupation: Real estate owner

Residence: San Diego

Family: Married, four children, eight grandchildren

Education: B.S. in electrical engineering, Iowa State University, 1961; M.S. in electrical engineering, University of Santa Clara, 1965.


Career Highlights: Served in Army 1953-56. Worked at IBM in mid-1950s on prototype computers and on Apollo spacecraft at General Dynamics in 1960s. Ran unsuccessfully for Lemon Grove City Council in 1982.

Quote: “Businesses have to live within their means or go bankrupt. The state should have to do the same, but they think they can just keep taxing us. Well, they’ve got another think coming.... You have to look at the complaints that businesses have in California. There’s a problem when you have a business that has been here for 100 years and they’re leaving for Nevada.”


Jonathan Miller

Age: 41

Party: Democrat

Occupation: President of Diamond Systems, which sells industrial computers.

Residence: San Mateo

Family: Single

Education: B.S. in computer science, Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

Career Highlights: Started Diamond Systems 14 years ago.

Quote: “California needs a long-term plan for resource independence, specifically electricity and water, so that we can ensure continued economic prosperity and social progress.”


Jeffrey L. Mock

Age: 50

Party: Republican

Occupation: Business owner

Residence: Rancho Palos Verdes

Family: Married, two children

Career Highlights: Has run metal recycling company in Compton since 1975.

Quote: “Most of our state’s economic ills have to do with the fact we don’t have support for businesses. My mission is to bring out to the forefront the problems manufacturing companies are having in California and the United States.”


John “Jack” Mortensen

Age: 44

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Painting contractor

Residence: Folsom

Family: Married, three children

Education: Attended San Jose City College for one day.

Career Highlights: Opened his own painting business in 1984.

Quote: “I have the right to stand up.... I’m going to stand up and I’m going to see if the people of California feel the same way I do.”


Geoff Nathanson

Party: Republican

Occupation: Broadcaster, business consultant

Residence: El Segundo

Family: Single, no children

Education: B.A. in history, UCLA, 1987.

Career highlights: Longtime Los Angeles radio and television sports reporter.

Quote: “A government for the people, by the people should be run by one of the people. Instead, the people running things are disconnected from the regular persons. They don’t have anybody fighting for them right now. That’s what I want to do.”



Wolfgang Georg Neckien

Age: 59

Party: Republican

Occupation: Small-business owner

Residence: Northridge

Family: Married, three children

Education: High school (in Germany)

Career Highlights: Immigrated to California from Germany in 1964. Trained as a machinist in the United States. Opened W Machines, an aircraft-parts business, in San Fernando in 1974.

Quote: “People are supposed to run on an issue and on who you are, not what somebody else has done wrong. So I am going in so that at least somebody was there who was speaking for the small people.”


Leonard Padilla

Age: 64

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Bounty hunter; president, Lorenzo Patino Law School.

Residence: Sacramento

Family: Divorced, four children, one stepchild

Education: College equivalency diploma; J.D, Lincoln Law School, 1980.

Career Highlights: Served in Air force 1957-63. Bounty hunter since 1975. Co-founded Lorenzo Patino Law School.

Quote: “We have elected professional politicians and bureaucrats to run the state, and that’s how we got into the mess that ... Californians are in.”


Charles “Chuck” Pineda Jr.

Age: 63

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Retired criminal justice administrator

Residence: Sacramento

Family: Married, two children

Education: A.A. in social sciences, East Los Angeles College, 1962; B.A. in sociology and psychology, Azusa Pacific University, 1964; criminal justice fellowship, Harvard University, 1972-73.

Career Highlights: In Army, served as a topographical surveyor in South Korea, 1959-61. Variety of roles at California Youth Authority 1965-82, from parole officer to chief of human relations. Designed and implemented Gang Violence Reduction Project, 1976; oversaw it until 1979. Served on various parole boards. Multiple unsuccessful runs for state office, including governor.


Quote: “I’m kind of like the Spartacus of the Democratic Party. I am an independent thinker and I represent the interests of the regular people.”


Heather Peters

Age: 37

Party: Republican

Occupation: Mediator

Hometown: Santa Monica

Family: Married, no children

Education: B.A. in business administration, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, Fla., 1987. J.D., Southwestern University School of Law, Los Angeles, 1990.

Career Highlights: Founded a mediation business in 2002; volunteers at Los Angeles Superior Court. Practiced business law for 10 years at Barger & Wolen.

Quote: “I’m a centrist who wants to get the message out that the recall is not a ‘vast right-wing conspiracy’ or some elaborate payback scheme for what happened in Florida. I’m running to take the politics out of government and return the power to the people.”


Jeff Rainforth

Age: 35

Residence: Sacramento

Party: Filed as nonpartisan but registered as a member of the Reform Party.

Occupation: Market coordinator for Best Buy’s district office in Sacramento.

Family: Single

Education: Spent two years studying political science at Santa Rosa Junior College in 1998-2000 (did not graduate).

Career highlights: Ran for Congress in California District 6 in 2002 as a Reform Party candidate. Is chairman of the board of the Reform Party of California.


Quote: “Our message, which has been the same for the last 10 years, is fiscal responsibility and political accountability. We’re primarily interested in the financial well-being of the United States and keeping American jobs in the U.S.”


Ned F. Roscoe

Age: 42

Party: Libertarian

Occupation: President of family-owned national discount cigarette chain.

Residence: Napa

Family: Married, three children

Education: B.A. in economics, University of Chicago, 1982.

Career Highlights: Family has been in the grocery business since 1957. In 1990s, began specializing in discount cigarettes. More than 300 stores in 20 states, including 150 in California. Sponsored Proposition 28, an unsuccessful attempt to repeal the cigarette tax in 2000.

Quote: “No new taxes, no new stupid laws.... I have a better chance of winning the election than I do of purchasing a winning lottery ticket.”


Sharon Rushford

Age: 52

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Co-owner of Rushford Construction

Residence: San Jose

Family: Married; two children, two grandchildren

Education: San Jose High School, 1969

Career Highlights: Member of Managed Care Reform Council and Kaiser Permanente Reform Committee.

Quote: “I’m taking this opportunity to use my firsthand experience with problems within the health-care industry and the flaws within the mandatory arbitration system to bring justice back into managed care.”


Georgy Russell

Age: 26

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Software engineer

Residence: Mountain View

Family: Single, no children

Education: B.A. in computer science, UC Berkeley, 1999

Career Highlights: Ten-year member of Death Penalty Focus, a nonprofit group working to abolish the death penalty.


Quote: “The current list of candidates is career politicians and millionaires; I’m running so someone can represent the average Californian.”


Darrin Scheidle

Age: 37

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Technology entrepreneur

Residence: El Cajon

Family: Married, one son, two stepdaughters

Education: Attended Mesa Community College and San Diego City College.

Career Highlights: Founded four companies, including Livescan, which provides digital fingerprinting services.

Quote: “There is a lot of money being spent in Sacramento on things that don’t matter to anybody. We need to do something to entice people to stay in California and buy California-made or -grown things.”


Arnold Schwarzenegger

Age: 56

Party: Republican

Residence: Brentwood

Family: Married, four children

Education: B.A. in business and international economics, University of Wisconsin-Superior, 1980.

Career Highlights: Won Mr. Olympia bodybuilding title seven times, 1970-75 and 1980. Star of numerous films, including “Conan the Barbarian” (1982), “The Terminator” (1984), “Total Recall” (1990), “True Lies” (1994), “Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines” (2003). In 2002, promoted Proposition 49, aimed at funding before- and after-school programs. Chairman, National Inner-City Games Foundation.

Quote: “It doesn’t matter if you are a Democrat or Republican, if you’re young or old, what the racial thing is, nothing matters to me. To me what matters is that I want to represent everyone in California. That is the important thing.”



Ralph S. Sherwood

Age: 55

Party: Republican

Occupation: Former plumber, disabled

Residence: Moorpark

Family: Married, one child

Education: High school graduate

Career Highlights: Plumber until 1987, when he became disabled after injuring his back.

Quote: “It’s the first time in the history of California that a small man can make his voice heard. Maybe the little guy will get a shot this time. I’m someone who isn’t part of the political system and can do much better than those who are.”


Richard Simmons

Age: 51

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Attorney, author

Residence: Los Angeles

Family: Divorced, one child

Education: B.A. in pre-law and business, University of Massachusetts-Amherst, 1973; J.D., UC Berkeley, 1976.

Career Highlights: Has written books on business and employment law, including “California Anti-Business Employment Law: A Monument to Inefficiency.”

Quote: “This is a terrific opportunity for Californians to change direction from an administration that has failed the people, created a staggering budget deficit and sold out to special interests. Jobs don’t create themselves; businesses need to create them.”


Bill Simon Jr.

Age: 52

Party: Republican

Occupation: Businessman

Residence: Pacific Palisades

Family: Married, four children

Education: B.A. in history, Williams College, 1973; J.D., Boston College, 1982.

Career Highlights: Assistant U.S. attorney for Southern District of New York, 1983-88; partner in William E. Simon & Sons investment firm, 1988-present.

Quote: “This campaign will be a battle for the heart, the soul and the future of California. When the dust settles, voters are only going to ask one question: Who has the courage to solve the financial crisis?”



B.E. Smith

Age: 56

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Disabled veteran

Residence: Denny

Family: Married, four children

Education: High school graduate.

Career highlights: Army, 4th Infantry Division, 1967-68, Vietnam; went to prison under the medical marijuana Compassionate Use Act, 1996.

Quote: “I would like to stop the war on drugs. If I get elected I will pardon all people convicted in California under drug laws so they can get their rights back, and then take money saved from prisons and put it toward education.”


Mathilda Karel Spak

Age: 100

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Hospital and senior center volunteer. Limited herself to four days a week after turning 100.

Residence: Long Beach

Family: Widowed, no children

Education: Bachelor’s degree in business, Northwestern University, 1920s.

Career Highlights: Worked in real estate and insurance in Chicago; retired 1960. Named “ambassador” of 99 Cents Only Stores when she was 99.

Quote: “They’re some very important and wealthy people. But I’ll fight it out. With my experience at [nearly] 101 years old, I can outlive all of them.”


Christopher Sproul

Age: 44

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Environmental attorney

Residence: San Francisco

Family: Married, one child

Education: B.A. in political science, UC Santa Barbara, 1980. M.A. in political science, UC Santa Barbara, 1982. J.D., UC Berkeley School of Law, 1986.


Career Highlights: Intern for Rep. Mark Hannaford (D-Long Beach), 1977; law clerk to federal Judge William Rey in Los Angeles, 1986-87; attorney with Environmental Protection Agency’s San Francisco office, 1987-2002; attorney with Environmental Advocates, a public-interest environmental law firm, since 2002.

Quote: “The recall is a charade. I figured the more people on the ballot, the more ridiculous this whole thing will look. None of the candidates in the recall deserve to replace Gov. Davis, who rightly won the last general election.”


Lawrence Steven Strauss

Age: 37

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Business, real estate and personal injury lawyer at own Studio City firm.

Residence: Sherman Oaks

Family: Married, two children

Education: B.S. in finance and real estate, USC, 1988; law degree, 1991, Loyola Law School; studying aviation at Glendale Community College.

Career highlights: Two-year member of the Aircraft Owners and Pilots Assn.; has volunteered at Valley Presbyterian Hospital, Van Nuys.

Quote: “I have to manage my own business and manage my own funds. I know how to budget, and I don’t spend when I don’t have the money.”


Tim Sylvester

Age: 39

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Entrepreneur

Residence: Santa Cruz

Family: Married, no children

Education: B.S. in computer engineering, Iowa State University, 1987.

Career Highlights: Recently founded a computer networking equipment company. Product manager for Cisco Systems, 1996-2001.


Quote: “The recall is unfair. If it hadn’t been for Darrell Issa and his money, it wouldn’t have happened. I am absolutely not making a serious bid for governor. Just as Issa got out his checkbook to fund the recall, I got out mine to protest against it.”


A. Lavar Taylor

Age: 45

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Tax attorney

Residence: San Juan Capistrano

Family: Married, one child

Education: B.S. in political science, University of Illinois, 1978; J.D., Georgetown Law School, 1981.

Career Highlights: Attorney for IRS, 1981-87; assistant U.S. attorney in Los Angeles, 1987-89. Private practice since 1990.

Quote: “I’m hoping that people will see someone like me who has never run for office before and think that they can make a difference too. I’m concerned about the political system in the U.S. It has become really polarized and people are talking at each other.”


Diane Beall Templin

Age: 56

Party: American Independent

Occupation: Attorney, real estate broker

Residence: Escondido

Family: Divorced, one child

Education: B.S. in social welfare, State University of New York, Buffalo, 1969. J.D., State University of New York, Buffalo, 1973.

Career Highlights: Ran unsuccessfully for California attorney general in 1998 and 2002, and for U.S. senator in 2000. Has practiced estate planning law since 1974.


Quote: “I’m not one of the good ol’ boys. The chaos in California has to do with the party politics in Sacramento. If you are happy with the way Republicans and Democrats are working, fine, vote for them. But if you’re not, its time for someone new.”


Brian S. Tracy

Age: 59

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Business consultant, motivational speaker, author

Residence: Solana Beach

Family: Married, four children

Education: B.A. in commerce, University of Alberta, Canada, 1978.

Career Highlights: Started Brian Tracy International in Edmonton, Canada, in 1981. Moved to San Diego, 1986. Company sells Tracy’s books and audio and videotapes, and arranges his speeches and consulting services.

Quote: “I’m a realistic optimistic. I think my chances are very good. There are tremendous problems in the political structure of California. I think that only an independent with a very, very clear plan to run and with a series of very well-thought-out solutions can win this election.”


Peter V. Ueberroth

Age: 65

Party: Republican

Occupation: Businessman

Residence: Laguna Beach

Family: Married, four children

Education: B.S., San Jose State College, 1959

Career Highlights: President of 1984 Los Angeles Olympic Organizing Committee; 1984 Time magazine Man of the Year; major league baseball commissioner, 1984-89; headed Rebuild Los Angeles after 1992 riots.

Quote: “Once the campaign has ended, I believe that I will be the best-qualified person to get the tough job done.”


Jim Vandeventer Jr.

Age: 40

Party: Republican

Occupation: Car salesman

Residence: Los Angeles

Family: Partner for eight years

Education: Attended University of Oklahoma and Northeastern Oklahoma A&M.;

Career Highlights: Worked in variety of positions in car business for about 20 years; heavily involved in Internet auto sales.


Quote: “I’m running because I’ve been watching all of the insanity going on, and it has got to come to an end.”


Paul W. Vann

Age: 62

Party: Republican

Occupation: Financial planner

Residence: Laguna Hills

Family: Widowed, two children, four stepchildren, four grandchildren.

Education: B.S. in marketing, New York University, 1969; MBA, UCLA, 1970.

Career highlights: Co-founder, Morasha Jewish Day School, Rancho Santa Margarita. Past president, Society of Financial Service Professionals, Orange County, and National Assn. of Insurance and Financial Advisors, West Los Angeles. Has volunteered for the Jewish Federation in L.A. and Orange counties

Quote: “I would put the gold back in the Golden State by setting finances straight. I’d make everything public, because what goes on in Sacramento is not a matter of national security.”


Bill Vaughn

Age: 57

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Structural engineer

Residence: Lafayette

Family: Married, one child

Education: B.A. in economics, University of Buffalo, 1970; B.S. in structural engineering, Portland State University, 1983.

Career highlights: Engineer for 17 years; has owned a structural engineering company since 1994. Before that was a contractor in Eugene, Ore.

Quote: “This election was an opportunity to take our concerns as structural engineers to the people. I don’t know how else we would have done it unless we did a letter campaign.”



Chuck Walker

Age: 47

Party: Republican

Occupation: Business intelligence analyst

Residence: Scotts Valley

Family: Married, two children

Education: B.S. in business administration, Cal Poly Pomona, 1989.

Career Highlights: After several years as a computer programmer, now working for Seagate Technology analyzing corporate data for market research. Served on Scotts Valley City Council 1996-2000; as mayor in 2000.

Quote: “I wasn’t satisfied with the choices we were given, and I feel I have a good, solid plan for California and its economic recovery. I haven’t heard a plan from anybody else.”


Paul Walton

Age: 47

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Owns Castle Creek Inn Resort and Spa in Escondido

Residence: Escondido

Family: Single, no children

Education: B.S. in public administration, San Diego State University, 1977; teaching credential, San Diego State, 1979.

Career Highlights: Taught secondary school for three years; started business promoting Sprint long distance; retired at 30.

Quote: “I’ve always been intrigued by government and politics. I just never really pursued it. I look at this as an opportunity for an ordinary guy to be able to get in and take a shot at it and you never know. After all, Funny Cide did win the Kentucky Derby.”


C.T. Weber

Age: 62

Party: Peace and Freedom Party

Residence: Sacramento

Occupation: Part-time analyst for California Highway Patrol; union organizer for the California State Employees Assn.


Family: Married, one daughter

Education: B.A. in history, 1969, M.A. in public administration, 1980, Cal State Long Beach.

Career Highlights: Currently president of District Labor Council 784 of the civil services division of CSEA, Local 1000, of Service Employees International Union.

Quote: “The Peace and Freedom Party stands for women’s rights, the environment and democratic socialism. The Peace and Freedom Party probably has the most labor-friendly party and platform in the state. For example, the current governor treats state employees very shabbily.”


Jim Weir

Age: 59

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Electronics technology instructor and small-business owner

Residence: Grass Valley

Family: Married, no children

Education: B.S., physics, math and aerospace, San Diego State, 1967.

Career Highlights: Designed landing radar for the Apollo lunar spacecraft at Teledyne Ryan. Founder and president of small aircraft electronics company. Served on Nevada County Board of Supervisors, 1986-94.

Quote: “My motivation is obviously to win, but also to get the maximum number of people to the polls so that this election is not determined by a small minority of voters at either end of the spectrum. Transportation and education are the heart and soul of California; they need to be dealt with at all costs.”


Biographical information on these candidates was not available at press time.

Christopher Ranken

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Planning commissioner

Residence: San Mateo

John J Hickey

Party: Libertarian

Occupation: Director, Sequoia Health Care District

Residence: San Mateo

Daniel Watts

Party: Green

Occupation: College student

Residence: Santa Clara

Stephen Knapp

Party: Republican

Occupation: Engineer

Residence: Santa Clara

Robert Cullenbine

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Retired

Residence: Santa Clara

Camilla Cochran

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Attorney/homemaker

Residence: Santa Clara


Dan Houston

Party: Republican

Occupation: Businessman

Residence: Santa Clara


Nathan Whitecloud Walton

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Student

Residence: San Diego

Elizabeth Swayney

Party: Nonpartisan

Residence: Alameda

Mike Schmier

Party: Democrat

Residence: Emeryville

Donald P. Wang

Party: Republican

Residence: Alameda

Jerry Kunzman

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: CEO

Residence: Richmond

Vip Bhola

Party: Republican

Occupation: Businessman

Residence: North Hollywood

Matt Lemcke

Age: 22

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Student, filmmaker

Residence: Burbank

Quote: “I’m going to go up there and try to get people to fix the mess that we’re in.”

Darryl L. Mobley

Age: 46

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Business entrepreneur

Residence: Danville

Robert C. Newman

Party: Republican

Occupation: Psychologist, farmer

Residence: Riverside

George Schwartzman

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Businessman

Joseph R. Evanns

Party: Republican

Residence: Ventura

Kevin Richter

Party: Republican

Occupation: Respiration consultant

Residence: San Joaquin

Michael Cheli

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Indian gambling businessman

Residence: Sonoma

Dorene Musili

Party: Republican

Occupation: Education

Residence: Sonoma

Vic S. Bajwa

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Entrepreneur

Residence: Sonoma

Mike McNeilly

Party: Republican

Occupation: Artist

Residence: Beverly Hills

Douglas Anderson

Party: Republican

Residence: Ventura

Sharon Holland

Party: Nonpartisan

Residence: San Francisco

Marc Valdez

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Air pollution scientist

Residence: Sacramento

David “Laughing Horse” Robinson

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Tribal chairman

Garrett Gruener

Party: Democrat

William Chambers

Party: Republican

Occupation: Railroad switchman/brakeman

Lingel Winters

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Consumer business attorney

Dennis McMahon

Party: Republican

Residence: San Francisco

Charles Henderson

Party: Nonpartisan

Occupation: Teacher

Bill Prady

Party: Democrat

Residence: Encino

Kurt E. “Tachikaze” Rightmyer

Party: Nonpartisan

Residence: West Covina

Scott “Gray Will Stay” Sookman

Party: Nonpartisan

Residence: Beverly Hills

Occupation: Small-business owner

Lester Terry Tate Speight

Party: Nonpartisan

Residence: Santa Monica

Occupation: Office manager

Bill Thill

Party: Democrat

Residence: Sherman Oaks

Occupation: Business owner

Lynda L. Toth

Party: Democrat

Residence: Los Angeles

Occupation: Educator and author

William James Tsangares

Party: Republican

Residence: Los Angeles

Occupation: Businessman

Ruben Raul Vega

Party: Democrat

Residence: Los Angeles

Occupation: Banker

John Christopher Burton

Party: Nonpartisan

Residence: Pasadena

Occupation: Civil rights lawyer

Dennis Hugh Conn

Party: Nonpartisan

Residence: Valencia

Mary “Mary Carey” Cook

Party: Nonpartisan

Residence: Los Angeles

Occupation: Adult film actress

Pauline “Teena” Cooper

Party: Democrat

Residence: Los Angeles

Occupation: Registered nurse

Temila C. Jensen

Party: Democrat

Residence: Granada Hills

Occupation: Attorney

David “” Johnson

Party: Democrat

Residence: Beverly Hills

Occupation: Aerospace engineer

Trek Thunder Kelly

Party: Nonpartisan

Residence: Venice

Occupation: Business executive/artist

Sergio Myers

Party: Nonpartisan

Residence: West Hollywood

Occupation: Reality television producer

Gregory J. Pawlik

Party: Republican

Residence: Pacific Palisades

Occupation: Realtor, businessman

Joel Britton

Party: Nonpartisan

Residence: Los Angeles

Robert “Butch” Dole

Party: Republican

Occupation: Small-business owner

Residence: Santa Clara

Diana Foss

Party: Democrat

Residence: Santa Clara

Ronald Friedman

Party: Nonpartisan

Residence: Los Angeles

Justin Garten

Party: Nonpartisan

Residence: San Bernardino

Michael R. Hinson

Party: Nonpartisan

Residence: San Bernardino

S. Issa

Party: Republican

Occupation: Engineer

Residence: Arcadia

Kelly P. Kimball

Party: Democrat

Residence: Los Angeles

Paul Nave

Party: Democrat

Residence: Marin

Bryan Quinn

Party: Republican

Occupation: Businessman

Residence: Santa Clara

Reva Renee Renz

Party: Republican

Residence: Orange County

Daniel Richards

Party: Republican

Residence: San Bernardino

Erik R. Smith

Party: Democrat

Residence: San Francisco

Alex St. James

Party: Republican

Residence: Sacramento

Michael Wozniak

Party: Republican

Occupation: Retired police officer

Residence: Alameda

John W. “The Bear” Zellhoefer

Party: Republican

Occupation: Energy consultant, entrepreneur

Residence: Santa Clara

Billy Ray Smith

Party: Democrat

Residence: San Francisco


The following are biographical sketches available at deadline:

Gene Forte

Age: 51

Party: Republican

Occupation: Executive recruiter

Residence: Salinas

Family: Married, four children

Education: Los Banos High School, 1970

Career Highlights: Ran a radio program promoting ethical responsibilities of attorneys and judicial officials.


Quote: “The very first thing I would do [as governor] is make sure we start to have civilian oversight of all government agencies and the judicial system.”


James H. Green

Age: 50

Party: Democrat

Occupation: Firefighter-paramedic, San Francisco Fire Department; also emergency room nurse, San Mateo County Medical Center.

Residence: San Francisco

Family: Single

Education: B.A. in economics, San Francisco State University, 1978; nursing degree, University of the State of New York, 1989.

Career Highlights: Firefighter since 1997, started as paramedic in 1996. Nurse since 1989. San Francisco police officer 1981-83.

Quote: “I think this recall is a terrible idea; it’s bad for the state economically and socially gives a black eye. I’m voting ‘no’ on the recall. I’m not running for governor, but it is an opportunity to get some focus on [health] issues.”


Ken Hamidi

Age: 56

Party: Libertarian

Occupation: Compliance officer, California Franchise Tax Board

Residence: Citrus Heights

Family: Married, two daughters

Education: B.S. in engineering and manufacturing
