
Chief Bratton Refuses to Apologize

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Times Staff Writer

A defiant Police Chief William J. Bratton on Tuesday rejected a call to apologize for criticism of some Los Angeles City Council members, including Bernard C. Parks. Bratton said he had a right to speak his mind because the former police chief turned politician has been attacking him for more than a year.

Bratton made the remarks a day after City Council President Eric Garcetti called on the chief to apologize for and recant a statement he made publicly that Parks and Councilman Dennis Zine “don’t know what the hell they are talking about” when they criticized changes in LAPD hiring practices.

Bratton also said previously that the two should “mind their own business” after they said the department is hurt by a new policy allowing the hiring of officers who have used drugs once in the distant past.


Bratton’s remarks touched off a growing back-and-forth between him and council members; three others joined Parks and Zine last week in calling for the Police Commission to investigate Bratton’s remarks.

“There will be no apology forthcoming. None is needed,” Bratton told reporters Tuesday at Parker Center. “They have made a formal complaint. Let the inspector general investigate that, make his recommendation to the Police Commission. And meanwhile, let us get back to the more important business of the city.”

The chief suggested that the media look at recent comments by Parks.

“Let’s face it, council member Parks has been attacking me repeatedly for the last year, so in a sense maybe you might want to focus a little more on his attacks on me,” Bratton said Tuesday.


Parks and Garcetti did not respond to calls for comment Tuesday.
