
Obama, on track to raise $1 billion, came close to that in 2008

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WASHINGTON — Tuesday we told you about how President Obama is on track to raise a staggering $1 billion for his reelection campaign, despite his predictions this summer that he could be outspent by GOP challenger Mitt Romney.

A deeper dive into the campaign finance reports from 2008 reveals that Obama actually came fairly close to hitting that figure in his first White House bid.

When reporting on Obama’s record-breaking haul in the last cycle, most news organizations note that his campaign pulled in $745 million.


But when you add in money raised through three joint fundraising committees, his campaign’s take rises to $887 million, according to data provided by the nonpartisan Campaign Finance Institute.

On top of that, the Democratic National Committee brought in $50 million on its own in the general election, money that supplemented Obama’s efforts.

The total: a whopping $937 million.

Obama appears very likely to surpass that figure in 2012. Just raising money at the same clip he did in August – when his campaign and the DNC together brought in $115 million – would give him $996 million by the end of October.


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