
Myers’ Nomination for 9th Circuit Court

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Re “No Pal of the Environment” (editorial, March 23), on William G. Myers III, nominee for the 9th Circuit Court of Appeals: Having worked with Myers for a number of years, please let me tell you why he should serve on the 9th Circuit.

The 9th Circuit covers the West, and Myers would fill an Idaho seat recently vacated by an Idaho judge. Though no federal judge should represent anyone or anything but federal law, to the extent the 9th Circuit currently represents anything other than embarrassment -- declaring the Pledge of Allegiance unconstitutional, for instance, and summary reversals -- it represents President Clinton, who appointed 14 of its active 26 judges.

Myers was a successful advocate for people who deserve representation just as much as your newspaper’s pet causes. As Interior solicitor, he defended balanced policy solutions to difficult questions of how our public lands in the West should be managed. Myers is a thoughtful, articulate and honest professional, and his confirmation will improve what balance there is on a very out-of-balance 9th Circuit.


Sen. Larry E. Craig



I find it outrageous that the Bush gang continues with its erosion of the people’s property. The attempt to push for the extremist lawyer, Myers, to sit on the 9th Circuit Court demonstrates its lack of concern for the inevitable destruction of public lands. It’s a sure bet that we the people will lose badly if Myers, collaborating with the extractive industries, is appointed judge on that court.

Isadore Levine

