
Opinion: Chris Christie endorses Donald Trump: Do you care?

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, right, introduces Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump after endorsing him before a rally at the Fort Worth Convention Center in Texas on Friday.

New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie, right, introduces Republican presidential candidate Donald J. Trump after endorsing him before a rally at the Fort Worth Convention Center in Texas on Friday.

(Tom Fox / AP)
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Talk about yuge: New Jersey Gov. Chris Christie threw his support Friday behind his former rival in the Republican presidential primaries, Donald Trump.

"To me, it's a very big endorsement," Trump said, according to The Times' Michael Finnegan. You may insert your own body-mass joke here; I've already offered mine.

Christie, a longtime friend of Trump's, characterized the thrice-married casino magnate as the best "fighter" in the race, and the person most likely to defeat likely Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton. And Christie, whose stinging critique of a robotic Sen. Marco Rubio prior to the New Hampshire primary dissipated Rubio's Marcomentum seemingly overnight, clearly knows something about fighting.

On one level, it's surprising to see someone who understands the challenges of governing and the complexities of policy as well as Christie endorsing Trump, whose campaign has been rigorously free of detailed plans or principled stances on ... anything, really. On another, though, Christie has spent years dealing with a Legislature run by Democrats, so he recognizes how important it is to be able to strike deals. And that is Trump's calling card.

Then there's the question of who else was left for Christie to endorse. He didn't disguise his contempt for Rubio, and no one seems to like Cruz. That leaves his fellow Gov. John Kasich of Ohio, who may be weeks away from returning full time to Columbus, and Dr. Ben Carson, who seems to be waiting for a surge that's already come and gone.

Or maybe Christie is just angling to be Attorney General in the Trump administration.

But what do you think? Take our even-handed but utterly unscientific poll, leave a comment, or do both.

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