
Infographic: How much precipitation do we need to end the drought?


There are different ways to measure the amount of precipitation needed to end the drought, but one fact is clear: The recent storm that doused Southern California was not enough.

California Department of Water Resources

DWR measures rainfall at eight stations in the northern Sierra. Water from those areas feeds the State Water Project which, in turn, delivers water to customers across the state.

National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration

NOAA’s predictions are based on an index that estimates the state’s water balance. Temperature, precipitation, and soil moisture all play into calculating that balance, which would need to return to normal levels to bust the drought.

Note: NOAA data based on the Palmer Hydrological Drought Index, a measure of the hydrological impacts of drought. May not apply to all areas, including those with heavily managed surface water.

Sources: California Department of Water Resources, U.S. Drought Monitor, NOAA, National Climatic Data Center
