
From the Archives: Walking through Castaic pipe

March 1976: A worker walks through a water pipe during construction of the Castaic Hydroelectric Power Plant.
(Ken Lubas / Los Angeles Times)
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In 1976, photographer Ken Lubas covered the construction of the Castaic Hydroelectric Power Plant. Inside one of the many pipes Lubas took this graphic silhouette image.

A story in the March 21, 1976, Los Angeles Times reported, “Soaring superstructures of concrete and steel are transforming the barren shoreline of Castaic Lake forebay into a futuristic setting as crews speed construction of the Castaic Hydroelectric Power Plant toward 1978 completion.

“The plant, being constructed at a total cost of $412 million through a cooperative agreement between the Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (DWP) and the state Department of Water Resources is designed to provide peak-load power to DWP customers.”

Today the Castaic Power Plant has seven generators with a plant rating of 1,247,000 kilowatts.

This post was originally published on Sept. 10, 2013.

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