
Hourly workers take hit in wallet

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Sentinel Staff Writer

Baron Jenkins should be back today at his hourly job for an Orlando boat manufacturer, but the damage to his paycheck has been done.

Like many hourly workers, Jenkins, 25, has taken a harsh financial hit from two major hurricanes in three weeks. After his workplace closed for four days in the wake of Charley and at least two days after Frances, he can’t pay his bills.

Jenkins, accompanied by his wife, Arlie, and their 2-year-old daughter, stopped by Catholic Charities on Semoran Boulevard on Tuesday to seek help paying the monthly rent.


“I have a real tight budget,” said Jenkins, who also pays child support for his 5-year-old son. When Jenkins misses more than two days of work, his weekly take-home pay after deductions amounts to “zero dollars and zero cents.”

Carmen Hernandez, family assistance coordinator for Catholic Charities, said the back-to-back hurricanes have given Jenkins plenty of company. “Many of our clients here are living from paycheck to paycheck,” she said.

Hourly workers in stores, restaurants, gas stations, doctors’ offices, even contract workers in public schools, have been affected, she said.


Hourly workers who, through no fault of their own, can’t work are eligible for unemployment compensation, said Warren May of Florida’s Agency for Workforce Innovation. About 12,300 hurricane-related claims were made after Hurricane Charley, May said, adding that it was too early to know whether Frances would generate more or fewer claims.

Those not covered by the regular unemployment compensation system, including those who are self-employed, may be covered by a special disaster unemployment assistance program. The program was used effectively after the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks, May said.

May reported that a “significant minority” of Florida companies shut down by one or both of the hurricanes have paid their employees despite being temporarily closed.


Two of the state’s biggest employers of hourly workers, Walt Disney World and Darden Restaurants, made provisions to help out their hourly workers affected by workplace closings.

Darden gave a day’s pay to employees whose restaurants closed, Darden spokesman Joe Chabus said. He said those who missed work could make up the time by working extra shifts, and they could cash in vacation days if necessary.

At Disney, which was closed to guests Saturday and Sunday, hourly employees with financial hardship could cash out vacation days, spokeswoman Veronica Clemons said.

In addition, Disney offered employees a chance to join voluntary “ride-out” crews for the weekend. They and their families had free room and board, and the employees were paid for their help in cleaning up and preparing the parks for the Monday opening. About 1,500 Disney employees took part, Clemons said.

But most companies don’t have the resources of a Disney or a Darden. Hector Herrera, a Casselberry drywall hanger, went to Catholic Charities to pick up bags of food for his family of five.

Herrera, 35, missed four days of work after Charley and will probably miss that many because of Frances. He was told by his small company that Thursday is the earliest he will be able to return to work.


Harry Wessel can be reached at or 407-420-5506.
